Monday, June 1, 2009

Not winning any awards any time soon

We had to take Kaelin to the ER again tonight. She fell while running away from me in the living room and gashed her forehead open. I heard her hit and new it was a hard hit so I scooped her right up and hugged her tight. Mike came running in and when I pulled her back to show him I saw the gash. I knew immediately it needed stitches. Mike grabbed a wet rag and held it on right away so it didn't bleed very bad at all. She was screaming she needed a band-aid so Mike put a piece of gauze and some princess tape on it before we left the house. I showed it to her in the mirror and she settled down. The whole way to the hospital I was freaking out because she was so calm and quiet. She just held my hand and looked out the window. Once we got into a room the nurse came in and looked at it and said she'd definately need stitches and it would be awhile. Thankfully Mike's mom met us there so she helped us keep Kae entertained. She was running around and playing and trying to jump on the bed the whole time. The nurse practioner came in and told us he was going to numb the area and that we would have to wrap her up and hold her down so they could suture it. That was horrible, she was scraming the whole time. They covered her eyes so the light wasn't in her face and she was fraked out that she couldn't see any of us. Then she started saying "Thank you nurse Kevin" even while she was screaming. Broke my heart. I had to look away and try hard not to lose it so she wouldn't hear me cry. As soon as they were done I scooped her up and unwrapped her. She's happy with her princess tape and is excited about going to pick out new big band-aids tomorrow. I need to call Dr. McAtee and see when they want us to come in. The ER said 5 days to have sutures removed but I want to check with them just in case. Well. I'm exhausted and going to try to settle down before going in to bed.


Anonymous said...

OH NO YOU POOR THING! i would have lost it too and cried the whole time. i hope kae feels better soon!

Lacey said...

Poor baby! You did good to hold it together, Mama. I would have flipped!