Not much has been going on around here. Kaelin's hand is healing nicely. In fact, she's using it as a way to get new band-aids every day. I had to cover her legs with them today because she was convinced she needed more! Silly girl! Mike is getting over a stomach bug. He missed Monday and Tuesday from work. But he's feeling better and neither Kaelin or I got it. I decided since there isn't much to write about, I decided to post a few random thoughts.
1. I love the smell of fresh chopped onions and how it stays on my fingers.
2. I take longer showers then I need to. I often find myself just standing under the hot water in an absolute daze.
3. I have a fairly good photographic memory. It drives me nuts sometimes that I can't get little details out of my mind.
4. I consider myself a good cook. Mike may have a different opinion, I don't know.
5. I am in love with the Ellen Degeneres show!
6. Kaelin is my world, but I can't wait until she goes to sleep most days so I can relax.
7. I secretly want to be nominated for What Not To Wear so I can get a whole new wardrobe.
8. I hate Rachel Ray and Guy Fierri. There voices drive me bonkers!
9. I am painfully shy but when I get nervous I talk too much.
10. I have a huge problem with organization. No matter how hard I try, I always have a junk pile somewhere.
11. I wish I had a career in medicine.
12. I have a thirst for knowledge. I love to learn new things and all the details on how things are done.
13. I am not afraid of pet snakes or mice. I had both as a kid.
14. I am in serious need of a decorator for my house. I am failing miserably at it!
15. I have a home phone but rarely answer it.
16. I love crafting and I can remake just about anything I see.
17. I love to watch shows about dance.
18. Once I pick up a good book I often finish it in less then 2 days.
19. I love to swim, but I hate getting in a bathing suit.
20. I am embaressed by how pale my skin is.
21. I hate feet. My friends used to torment me about this in high school.
22. I loved being pregnant and often consider being a surrogate someday so I could finally get paid for what I really love.
23. I think that my daughter has the sweetest voice in the world and I love hearing her say "I love you too Momma"!
24. I am a huge romantic. The sappier things are the better. My husband does not feel the same way, unfortunately.
25. I miss my pre baby abs.
26. I am secretly glad I had an emergency c-section. I was very nervous about pushing with a room full of people.
27. I am very modest.
28. I rarely take the time,or money, to do nice things for myself. Even when I spend money on my hobby it gets given away to other people.
29. I love reading I think it is the funniest blog!
30. I wish I could write better. I have alot to say and very rarely find the right words to say it with.
31. I care way too much about what other people think of me.
32. I don't always believe my husband when he says he thinks I'm beautiful.
33. I cry easily.
34. I wish I was still flexible.
35. I do not, nor have I ever, watched The Bachelor.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Kaelin has been a mess of tantrums all day long. Impossible to please. After throwing a monstrous tantrum tonight, I dragged her off to her room determined to put her to bed. Within minutes of getting her in the rocking chair, she was crashed. I knew she was tired and so glad I forced her into sleep. I got to thinking about how she is still up so many times a night and how discouraging that is to me. But then I saw something absolutely beautiful- my little girl in all her perfection, looking like an absolute angel. So I guess my silver lining in all her sleep problems is that I get to witness something as beautiful as a sleeping angel multiple times a night. Ahhhh, small things like that keep me going when it gets unbearable.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Strawberry Picking Day!!
I'm so excited, we're going to Froberg's Farm in Alving for strawberry picking today! I've been wanting to do this since I heard about it last year. I really think Kaelin is going to have fun, she loves picking things and strawberries. I'm taking both cameras so I should have some good pictures and videos to post!
We had so much fun! The field of strawberries was huge and had some great berries. Not to mention, they were under $2 a pound! We each took a bucket and pretty much filled them up in one row. Kaelin ate as many berries as she put in the bucket! I definately need to find some more strawberry recipes. We'll definately have strawberry salad tonight. Here's a few pics I was able to take, it was so bright it was hard to get any good ones.
Picking berries
We had so much fun! The field of strawberries was huge and had some great berries. Not to mention, they were under $2 a pound! We each took a bucket and pretty much filled them up in one row. Kaelin ate as many berries as she put in the bucket! I definately need to find some more strawberry recipes. We'll definately have strawberry salad tonight. Here's a few pics I was able to take, it was so bright it was hard to get any good ones.
Picking berries
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What a hectic day
Today was a good day, but hectic. Kaelin and I decided to try the new Color Wonder fingerpaint set we bought last night. I was expecting it to be more of a solid gel (like Carmex) but it is more of a snotty substance. Kaelin kept dipping in and getting huge globs to paint with. But overall it was fun. Daddy has a new piece of "art" to take to work and display. :)
I had to take the car to Discount Tire because the back right tire has been running low. I dropped it off and walked across the street to get us some lunch at McDonald's. The guy from DT came over and told me the tire was trashed because there was a nail in the sidewall of the tire. Dammit! Those are new tires with less than 8000 miles on them. So I forked over $180 for a new tire, after I had already paid $25 to get the tires rotated also. I could have sworn I saw paperwork in the glove box when we bought the car for a warranty at NTB, but it wasn't in there when I looked. It wasn't too bad of a trip though because they had most of the work done by the time we got back from lunch and it only took about 10 minutes to get the new tire on. Kaelin ran around playing peek a boo around the tire displays, giving me mini heart attacks.
I stopped at CVS to get Mike some shampoo since I had Extra Reward Bucks to spend. His shampoo was on sale plus I got $5 more in Extra Bucks. I love when that happens! Kaelin latched on to a pair of red Mickey Mouse sunglasses and wouldn't let go of them. So she now is the proud owner of 1 million and one pairs of sunglasses. Whatever. It kept her from continuing to pull everything off of the shelves. Our trip into Krogers was a bit better. I was able to keep her in the cart for all of about 5 minutes. But atleast I didn't get a huge fit, so that was nice.
I have had BBQ chicken in the oven for the last few hours and it smells so good! I'm going to make fresh corn on the cob to go with it. When I make a menu and a good grocery list I can stick to cooking every night. Then Mike has lunch for work each day and doesn't have to buy anything. But when we run low in groceries, I totally slack on cooking and we eat late each night. I much more prefer to an early, delicious, dinner to take out any day.
I had to take the car to Discount Tire because the back right tire has been running low. I dropped it off and walked across the street to get us some lunch at McDonald's. The guy from DT came over and told me the tire was trashed because there was a nail in the sidewall of the tire. Dammit! Those are new tires with less than 8000 miles on them. So I forked over $180 for a new tire, after I had already paid $25 to get the tires rotated also. I could have sworn I saw paperwork in the glove box when we bought the car for a warranty at NTB, but it wasn't in there when I looked. It wasn't too bad of a trip though because they had most of the work done by the time we got back from lunch and it only took about 10 minutes to get the new tire on. Kaelin ran around playing peek a boo around the tire displays, giving me mini heart attacks.
I stopped at CVS to get Mike some shampoo since I had Extra Reward Bucks to spend. His shampoo was on sale plus I got $5 more in Extra Bucks. I love when that happens! Kaelin latched on to a pair of red Mickey Mouse sunglasses and wouldn't let go of them. So she now is the proud owner of 1 million and one pairs of sunglasses. Whatever. It kept her from continuing to pull everything off of the shelves. Our trip into Krogers was a bit better. I was able to keep her in the cart for all of about 5 minutes. But atleast I didn't get a huge fit, so that was nice.
I have had BBQ chicken in the oven for the last few hours and it smells so good! I'm going to make fresh corn on the cob to go with it. When I make a menu and a good grocery list I can stick to cooking every night. Then Mike has lunch for work each day and doesn't have to buy anything. But when we run low in groceries, I totally slack on cooking and we eat late each night. I much more prefer to an early, delicious, dinner to take out any day.
Monday, April 20, 2009
I am one proud Momma today!
Today marks one very special day for me for 2 reasons.

1) Kaelin ate all of her dinner last night by herself and this is what her face looked like when she was done:

2) I got pigtails in Kaelin's hair today! PIGTAILS people! Huge milestone considering she is practically bald still.
I feel like I got alot of stuff accomplished today. While Kaelin ate her breakfast and colored, I cleaned out the pantry and the fridge. There were so many leftovers in the fridge that are unedible. It was gross. And the pantry just became a huge mess and needed resorting. Then Kaelin went and hung out with my mom while I ran a few errands. I went to the boast store and got a ladder for the pool and some oars for Mike's canoe. Plus they had some really cute pink water shoes for Kaelin, I figure she can wear them on the deck and in the back yard during the summer. The store is closing so I got everything on sale! You know I love a good sale! Then I went to Wal-Mart and got kitty litter and a new air filter. Mike is super anal about germs now so I have to buy the freaking expensive allergen filters. But that's another post all together. I saw some cute kitchen towels and rugs so I grabbed them too. I'm waiting to see how long it takes Mike to notice them. I'm not going to hold my breath until he does, that's for sure! I still have a huge list of things to get done, but I made a pretty good dent in it today. On that note, I guess I should cook dinner.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
And the rain, rain, rain came down, down, down
The stormy day ended up flooding our neighborhood. Mike went to go pick up his sister and called me to tell me the car was flooded out in the Lowe's parking lot. They had to wait about an hour before it was dry enough to start and even then they couldn't make it home. So my car is parked a few streets away at a friend's house and they had to walk home through waist deep water. I went out to see what our street looked like and it was pretty bad. Water was half way up my driveway and into my neighbors' garages. My mother in laws van had water up to the doors and Mike's car was almost under water too. My neighbor drove his huge truck through and even it barely made it. So I have a full house of people and almost no groceries because today was going to be grocery day. Such is life I suppose.

Rainy Saturday
So much for a productive Saturday. It is raining like crazy! Mona and Collen came over so Mike could work on Megan's computer. Then our plan is to go clean out our closet while the computer loads and Kaelin is playing with "Marger" and Caween". We both have so many clothes that we don't wear anymore and we're out of closet space. It is impossible to put laundry away when there is nowhere for it to go. Plus I feel the need to declutter all parts of our house. BIG TIME. I'm planning on starting with our clothes, then Kaelin's clothes, then her toys (gulp), then the kitchen cabinets. I figure I'll eventually get through my sewing room and the laundry room too. Then the rest is Mike's territory.
We are supposed to go over to my sister in laws house tonight for a combo birthday and graduation party. But, ummm, yeah. I'm not looking forward to going anywhere in the down pour. *sigh* I guess I should go fold some laundry now.
We are supposed to go over to my sister in laws house tonight for a combo birthday and graduation party. But, ummm, yeah. I'm not looking forward to going anywhere in the down pour. *sigh* I guess I should go fold some laundry now.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Yay!! It's Friday! That means it's movie night where we all pile on the pull out bed in the couch and stay up late watching movies. Of course I also look forward to the buttery popcorn and M&Ms.
Mike has the deck just about finished in the backyard. It just needs a few last things and stained. He bought a really pretty blue stain that looks really cool. I'm hoping he'll be able to finish with that this weekend so we can get the yard cleaned up. There's lumber scraps everywhere and the grass is getting really long. I think he said he may have to work this weekend though. Hopefully it's not another all night thing. They only have certain times they can can do major things without being penalised, and most times that's midnight Saturday night. He also has to finish his defensive driving for his speeding ticket. He was supposed to be done with that by the 15th so hopefully he can still finish and not be fined for it. I don't get why men wait until the very last minute to do things.
Kaelin's hand is starting to heal. We still have it bandaged because she freaks out when we take the bandage off. The third blister just doesn't want to pop and it's driving me nuts. I wish it would so it could heal and we could be done with it. Mike doesn't want to let her get in the swimming pool until it's all better and she's getting impatient. I think I might try just putting bandaids on her fingers today and see how she does with that. She normally hates bandaids but she's done really well with her whole hand bandaged so it's worth a shot. It's hard keeping her bandage clean because it gets into everything. I have to put a bag on her hand so she can eat and shower without messing it up. Which is fine, but bandaids will be so much easier to keep clean and change.
Kaelin is super excited because I told her we're going to pick up Carissa from school again today. We did that on Wednesday and the girls had so much fun. Lanette was home with a migraine and couldn't pick her up so Crystina called me. Kaelin keeps saying "I wanna get Rissa. She ride in backseat with me". It's funny the things they remember. We went all over town running errands and then came back here to play. But the one thing Kaelin is excited about is Carissa sitting with her in the car! Maybe I can get some stuff done around the house this afternoon since they keep each other busy.
My mom watched Kaelin yesterday so that Margret and I could run a few errands. I wanted to take my car to the dealership and get some warranty work done, but they didn't answer when I tried to find out how busy they were. We went to Hobby Lobby and my sister spent about an hour looking at scrapbooking stuff. I picked up a few things while we were there. I'm trying to decide if I want to do a craft fair with Katy in July. I've never done one so I would have alot of work to do to get ready. I would have to get tables and display stuff, plus build my inventory before then. It sounds like alot of fun but it's kind of overwhelming. Mike has been busy lately so I haven't exactly had alot of crafting time. Which totally makes me doubt getting enough stuff done to sell. I picked up some cardstock to put bows on and some little bags to put clippies in. I have so many different things I could do, but I think I'll stick with bows, clippies, crayon rolls and maybe some tutus. I found some fairy wings at the dollar store the other day that I could match with some tutus and sell them as a set. Ahhhh, I have to stop talking about this now, I'm getting anxious! :)
I guess I should get in the shower and get my butt moving.
Mike has the deck just about finished in the backyard. It just needs a few last things and stained. He bought a really pretty blue stain that looks really cool. I'm hoping he'll be able to finish with that this weekend so we can get the yard cleaned up. There's lumber scraps everywhere and the grass is getting really long. I think he said he may have to work this weekend though. Hopefully it's not another all night thing. They only have certain times they can can do major things without being penalised, and most times that's midnight Saturday night. He also has to finish his defensive driving for his speeding ticket. He was supposed to be done with that by the 15th so hopefully he can still finish and not be fined for it. I don't get why men wait until the very last minute to do things.
Kaelin's hand is starting to heal. We still have it bandaged because she freaks out when we take the bandage off. The third blister just doesn't want to pop and it's driving me nuts. I wish it would so it could heal and we could be done with it. Mike doesn't want to let her get in the swimming pool until it's all better and she's getting impatient. I think I might try just putting bandaids on her fingers today and see how she does with that. She normally hates bandaids but she's done really well with her whole hand bandaged so it's worth a shot. It's hard keeping her bandage clean because it gets into everything. I have to put a bag on her hand so she can eat and shower without messing it up. Which is fine, but bandaids will be so much easier to keep clean and change.
Kaelin is super excited because I told her we're going to pick up Carissa from school again today. We did that on Wednesday and the girls had so much fun. Lanette was home with a migraine and couldn't pick her up so Crystina called me. Kaelin keeps saying "I wanna get Rissa. She ride in backseat with me". It's funny the things they remember. We went all over town running errands and then came back here to play. But the one thing Kaelin is excited about is Carissa sitting with her in the car! Maybe I can get some stuff done around the house this afternoon since they keep each other busy.
My mom watched Kaelin yesterday so that Margret and I could run a few errands. I wanted to take my car to the dealership and get some warranty work done, but they didn't answer when I tried to find out how busy they were. We went to Hobby Lobby and my sister spent about an hour looking at scrapbooking stuff. I picked up a few things while we were there. I'm trying to decide if I want to do a craft fair with Katy in July. I've never done one so I would have alot of work to do to get ready. I would have to get tables and display stuff, plus build my inventory before then. It sounds like alot of fun but it's kind of overwhelming. Mike has been busy lately so I haven't exactly had alot of crafting time. Which totally makes me doubt getting enough stuff done to sell. I picked up some cardstock to put bows on and some little bags to put clippies in. I have so many different things I could do, but I think I'll stick with bows, clippies, crayon rolls and maybe some tutus. I found some fairy wings at the dollar store the other day that I could match with some tutus and sell them as a set. Ahhhh, I have to stop talking about this now, I'm getting anxious! :)
I guess I should get in the shower and get my butt moving.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
You want what for breakfast?
Kaelin's not a big eater most of the time. So trying to get her to pick out something for breakfast is always a struggle. Today she decided she wanted leftover popcorn chicken and fries from Long John Silver's. As much as I tried to talk her out of it, she wouldn't budge. Of course, I caved and she's happily eating microwaved leftovers. But I did sneak in an orange so I feel like I still won this battle.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Our first trip to the Emergency Room
Kaelin made her first trip to the ER on Sunday. She was in the bathroom with us while we were getting ready for Easter dinner. I don't normally let her sit on the counter after I dry my hair and plug in the curling iron. But she threw a hissy when I tried to get her down so I left her "putting on her makeup". As she started crawling across the counter to get to Mike's side, I set down the curling iron and went to grab her and put her down on the floor. But her hands are quicker then mine and she grabbed my curling iron before I could get her. When we couldn't get her settled down we went ahead and took her to the ER. They said she has 2nd degree burns on three of her fingers. So we bandaged it up and she settled down. As long as we keep it bandaged she's fine. As soon as we take the bandage off to wash it, she starts rubbing it. Two of the blisters have popped already so it's healing. Luckily we found princess medical tape so she doesn't mind having the bandage on. I know it bothers me more then her at this point. I was hoping to make it atleast to her second birthday before having any major accidents, but such is life I guess.
Monday, April 6, 2009
My hair hates humidity
Every day has been a great hair day in Bailey, CO. This makes me a little sad to be returning to the TX humidity tomorrow. But I've had a wonderful trip and am ready to get home to my husband and see what all he has done around the house! My new nephew, Jacob, is adorable! I've really enjoyed getting to spend time with him. Kaelin's not too sure what to think about him though. She loves the thought of him and talking about him, but I think that's about the extent of it! She held him a few times but then the excitement wore off. The last few days she has come unglued everytime I pick him up. I really hope that's not how it's going to be with baby #2.
Like I said before, I've had a great trip but I'm ready to go home. Kae has been a handful this last week. Partly because she has nothing here to really occupy her time and partly because I haven't had Mike around to help me handle her meltdowns. Also the elevation is really high here and I think that's been messing with her a little bit. I also noticed the tip of her second lower canine tooth starting to show through the gums so I think that explains the congestion she's been dealing with lately.
Damon drove us around town today so we could get some pictures. It is gorgeous here! Everyone lives in the mountains off windy dirt roads and steep driveways. There is no fastfood what so ever in this town and the closest mall and Target are about 30 minutes away. We went to Damon's fire station a few days ago and got to take Kaelin for a ride in a fire truck! She thought it was really cool and had a great time. It was really neat getting to see where my big brother works and meet his crew. He's a pretty big badass here and I know he loves it.
Well, I have to get up early tomorrow to finish packing for the trip home. I have a million pics to upload and I'll post them when I get home.
Like I said before, I've had a great trip but I'm ready to go home. Kae has been a handful this last week. Partly because she has nothing here to really occupy her time and partly because I haven't had Mike around to help me handle her meltdowns. Also the elevation is really high here and I think that's been messing with her a little bit. I also noticed the tip of her second lower canine tooth starting to show through the gums so I think that explains the congestion she's been dealing with lately.
Damon drove us around town today so we could get some pictures. It is gorgeous here! Everyone lives in the mountains off windy dirt roads and steep driveways. There is no fastfood what so ever in this town and the closest mall and Target are about 30 minutes away. We went to Damon's fire station a few days ago and got to take Kaelin for a ride in a fire truck! She thought it was really cool and had a great time. It was really neat getting to see where my big brother works and meet his crew. He's a pretty big badass here and I know he loves it.
Well, I have to get up early tomorrow to finish packing for the trip home. I have a million pics to upload and I'll post them when I get home.
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