Sunday, March 29, 2009

We're off...well, almost

We're flying out tomorrow morning at 7:15 for CO. I'm super excited but dreading the 4am wake up that is required. Blech! Oh well, hopefully Kaelin (and me!) will sleep on the plane. I'm taking my video camera but not my digital camera. Margret and Mom will both take their's so there's no need for me to pack mine too. I finally got everything all packed today, which has been super stressfull. I hate packing for a trip because I'm a checker, so I have to check everything about 10 times. I have had a horrible nauseating headache all weekend, probably from stress. We went to Build A Bear yesterday and Daddy helped Kae make a horse to take with us. I thought that would be a fun thing for her to have when she's missing Daddy. Of course, I'm worried about her losing it on the plane or in the airport so I came right home and made a tether thing to attach to the horse and her jacket out of rainbow ric rac a suspender clips. Hopefully it'll work.

We went to CVS today and I got some Dramamine for me and some children's sized Sea Bands for Kaelin. Hopefully they'll work and she'll leave them on. I really hope she doesn't have any problems with motion sickness or pressure problems with her ears. The elevation is really high where we're going, so I hope that doesn't pose a problem either.

Kaelin was playing with her cousin Cassie the other day. Apparently she was about to fall and Cass had to catch her. But when she did, her thumbnail scratched Kae's nose. So now she has a huge scab on the side of her nose. Something like that always happens when there is a potential for photo ops, doesn't it? Ahh, such is life I guess. She's in that clumsy and too brave for her own good phase and is constantly falling and bruising or banging up some body part. I find new ones every day, but then again I find new ones all over me as well.

I am exhausted and feel like crud so I think I'm going to give Kae her bath and head to bed early. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Making a fresh start

I decided to wipe my blog and make a fresh start. Time is going by so quickly and I want to keep a better record of it.

Kaelin will be 2 in June, which I absolutely can't believe. She is her mother's child for sure! Her list of words is off the charts and she says new words every day. The pediatrician told me back in December the normal range for her age is 15-60 words. I came home and made a list of hers and was blown away when I realised it was over 100 words. She's has also started using sentances and knows all her colors and can count to 8. I've started working with her on shapes and teaching her the value of numbers. She's a clown and loves being the center of attention!

I love being able to stay home with her and I really think it makes a huge difference. My toughest battle right now is keeping us on a schedule that keeps her entertained. I've been trying to get her to the library once a week for story time and I joined a playgroup also. I think she has better days when we stay busy, but it's hard coming up with things to do. I'm trying to put myself out there more and meet new people (or re-meet people from my past) that I have common interests and children with.

I have recently gotten in touch with my crafty side. I love having a girl, there are so many things I can make for her! So far I have made her various bows, clippies, a few dresses, a ribbon onesie, a crayon roll-up, and a hairbow holder. I also have sewn a bunch of hooded towels for her and to give away as gifts. I love them and use them for her bath every day. Mike is working on getting shelves put up in my sewing room so I can organize my stuff better, it's a pretty big mess right now. I have more projects I've been wanting to try my hand at as well, like ribbon jeans to match her ribbon onesies, etc. My friend Katy wants me to stock up on stuff and sell it with her at craft fairs soon. I bought a bunch of ribbon to make bows with, so I may as well make it all into bows to sell. Why not, right? I could also easily make some bow holders and more hooded towels as well, but I'll probably start with bows and clippies though because I've already bought those supplies. I wouldn't mind sinking money into material for towels and stuff if I knew for sure I would have an outlet to sell it. I've also done some really cute tutus that are super easy and cheap to make. My mother in law has a closet full of material so I think I'll do a bunch of crayon roll-ups as well. The only thing better then cheap materials is free materials!

Kaelin and I are flying to CO to visit my brother and his new baby next week. Mike has taken the week off so he can do some projects around the house. We want to paint and chair rail the living room, paint and put up wall border in Kaelin's room, build shelves for the game room, hang shelves in my sewing room, build a deck in the backyard around the pool, finish building Kaelin's play house in the back yard, etc. He's going to be a busy guy! It'll be nice to finally take pictures of our new house. It's only taken a year :)

Now that I'm caught up a little more, I hope to be able to post on a more regular basis. Well, it's Friday night, which means it's Movie Night so I better get going. Kaelin doesn't like to wait to start a movie!