Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kaelin is going to be a big sister!

I'm so excited to finally be able to share the news! I found out 2 weeks ago that I am pregnant again! We told family while we were on vacation but I wanted to wait until we went to the doctor to tell publically. So yesterday morning we saw Dr Files and I had all kinds of bloodwork and stuff done. I should find out the results of all that tomorrow and then be able to schedule our first u/s. Right now they are estimating I am due on April 8, 2010 but it can (and probably will) change with the u/s. Kaelin seems to be taking the news well, hopefully that will be the case in April. So far I feel pretty good, a little queesy but nothing too bad. We justgot back into town Sunday night so I still have a lot of laundry and house cleaning to get done. The trip was wonderful, the wedding was beautiful, but we are so glad to be home!