1) Kaelin ate all of her dinner last night by herself and this is what her face looked like when she was done:

2) I got pigtails in Kaelin's hair today! PIGTAILS people! Huge milestone considering she is practically bald still.
I feel like I got alot of stuff accomplished today. While Kaelin ate her breakfast and colored, I cleaned out the pantry and the fridge. There were so many leftovers in the fridge that are unedible. It was gross. And the pantry just became a huge mess and needed resorting. Then Kaelin went and hung out with my mom while I ran a few errands. I went to the boast store and got a ladder for the pool and some oars for Mike's canoe. Plus they had some really cute pink water shoes for Kaelin, I figure she can wear them on the deck and in the back yard during the summer. The store is closing so I got everything on sale! You know I love a good sale! Then I went to Wal-Mart and got kitty litter and a new air filter. Mike is super anal about germs now so I have to buy the freaking expensive allergen filters. But that's another post all together. I saw some cute kitchen towels and rugs so I grabbed them too. I'm waiting to see how long it takes Mike to notice them. I'm not going to hold my breath until he does, that's for sure! I still have a huge list of things to get done, but I made a pretty good dent in it today. On that note, I guess I should cook dinner.