Thursday, February 25, 2010

33w1d update

I went in for another OB appt today. So far, so good. BP checked out ok, gained another 1 1/2 pounds, Sean's heartbeat sounded good and I'm measuring right on track. I have started paying attention to some Braxton HIck's I've been having. I'm only having a few a day, so nothing to worry about right now. My biggest pain right now is in my back. It feels like he's hanging out in my rib cage and spreading them apart. Driving or walking for a long period of time is pretty uncomfortable because of that, but otherwise I'm still feeling pretty good. I haven't really had to give up anything just yet. Although if Mike is around I let him do the carrying of the kiddo so I don't have to. I go back in 2 weeks and then after that I'll be down to weekly appointments until he's here! I'm feeling a little nervous about having another c-section, but I've heard that the second time around, and not being an emergency, is easier to handle. I hope so! I know Mike is looking forward to having the 2 weeks of vacation too! I'm hoping to have an early night tonight since we skipped nap, again.