Sunday, October 25, 2009

Trunk or Treat

Yesterday we took Kaelin to Trunk or Treat at a local church. They had free food, a moonwalk, a pumpking patch, people in costume, face painting, and a fire demo from the fire dept. When it got dark they had people's cars lined up in the parking lot with their trunks decorated handing out candy. She seemed to have fun. But she refused to wear her mouse ears so I don't think anyone knew she was supposed to be Minnie Mouse. Oh well. I forgot to take our camera so my sister's friend took a few pics for us. If they're any good I'll post them when I get them.

Kaelin has been having temper tantrums like crazy lately. I just don't know what to do about them, nothing seems to help. We took her to Target yesterday to get a few things. She wanted to run around and hide in the clothes racks and do whatever she wanted. I told her she either needed to sit in the basket or let my sister carry her. She said she wanted to hold my hand and walk. I let her, then she kept pulling away from me and running off. People were looking at me like I was a horrible mother and I think I scared the ladies in the maternity dept. Finally my sister took my wallet to check out my stuff so I could take Kaelin to the car. She threw such a fit and was trying to get out of my arms. I swear people thought I was kidnapping her the way she was screaming. I finally forced her into her carseat and got her calmed down. I told her that she was not going to be able to use the iPod the rest of the weekend but I'm not sure she gets it. It's getting to were I don't want to take her tot hte store by myself anymore.