Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas and stuff

I'm actually sorta relieved that the holidays are over. I love them and spending time with family, but it's so much stress and chaos. I don't like stress and chaos. The night before Christmas Eve I got another one of my freaky migraines. Mike and Kaelin took such good care of me, it was so cute! Kaelin helped rub lotion on my feet and belly and laid with me to make sure I was allright. Mike finished up some last minute shopping on Christmas Eve while I stayed home and took a nap. We had super yummy chili dinner at my Mom's and got to open all our presents. Kaelin got princess dresses, crowns, some stickers and coloring stuff, and a swing set! Mike and I got another set of our dishes and a carpet shampooer. Christmas day was hectic as always. We got Kae up to open her presents but she acted like she oculdn't have cared less about them. It was like pulling teeth getting her to open them all! She got more dresses, lady shoes, dolls, a car toy, princess pajamas, etc. We rushed over to Mike's mom's house for brunch and opened more presents then went home for a quick break. Dinner at my mom's was good as usual. Nice and relaxing but we did end up having to leave earlier then planned because Mike was getting calls from work. Last night Kaelin spent the night throwing up every hour for a few hours. 3 sheet changes and a sleepless night later she seems to be feeling better but has a bit of a fever still today. Mike is feeling a little yucky today as well so hopefully I won't get the same stomach bug. Mike didn't get his car fixed this weekend so I guess I'll be without a car all week again. I guess we'll just take it easy and get some more projects done around the house.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ahhh, peace and quiet

The last week has been crazy! we have been getting ready for Christmas and I have been nesting something crazy! I have bagged clothes, linens, toys, garbage, etc until I was up to my eyeballs! But it feels so good to have the clutter GONE! Now Sean's room is still a wreck because my sewing stuff is still in there plus all the stuff he's inhereting from Kaelin is in their for now. But the majority of the house is great! Mike has to finish the garage, organize the game room and the laundry room. I have to reorganize the kitchen cabinets still and get our files in order. But for the most part I am good!

Last Wednesday I took Kaelin to the doctor for a UTI. That was traumatic! She wouldn't pee in the potty so they had to cath her, but they took so long to do it that they didn't get much because she peed in her diaper int he meantime. So she screamed and broke blood vessels all around her eyes for a tiny bit of pee. They said she did have a UTI and gave me a script ut wanted a bigger sample. I tried to get her to pee in the potty and tried putting the sterile collection bag on her. No go. She was sore from the cath and cried everytime she peed for the next few hours and was not going to voluntarily pee for us. So I waited a day and then started the meds. Now she's 5 days into the meds and starting to tell me to change her diaper when it's dry again. I don't know if she's getting a yeast infection too or if the meds aren't helping. So I'm waiting for a call back on what to do. I know they'll want more urine but it just isn't going to happen and there's no way they'll be able to cath her again without sedation. So if they want to see her again Mike is going to have to take a sick day tomorrow and go with me.

Carissa is here today and she's reading Kae a book in the living room. It's so nice to have a few minutes of relative silence. I guess I should get things ready to make brownies. I promised we would do that after lunch and it's only a matter of time before they remember. :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

23w appointment

I had another routine appointment today. Weight is up to 133 lbs, BP was normal, fundal height measured at 23cm (perfect!) and the baby had a good strong heart beat. My doctor wants me to gain more weight, but I really think a pound a week is pretty good. I go back in 4 weeks for another check up and my glucose tolerance test. They offered both flu vaccines but I declined them. Dr Files said that if I am exposed to anyone with the flu to call her right away so I can get started on Tamiflu within the first 12-48 hours. So, pretty routine stuff. When I got home I saw I had an email about a giveaway I entered to win $500 worth of 0-3 month baby boy clothes- I won! Yay! It's only 15 pieces because it is boutique type stuff, but free is free!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Starting to feel very overwhelmed

For some reason I am feeling very stressed today. I'm looking around the house seeing all the things we need to do to get baby ready (and just declutter our lives in general) and I realise I have no idea where to start. I guess what I need to do is sit down and make a list of to-do's and just try to get something small checked off every day. Some of the main things are going through Kaelin's toys. She has way too much stuff and there is no way we can fit any Christmas presents in with all the stuff she already owns. I think I'm going to be brutal with that one too. Alot of stuff is going, like all the little happy meal toys and the 50,000 little Barbie pieces she has. Stuffed animals are going to be drastically downsized as well. She has a ton and doesn't even play with them, they are taking up room in her closet. If I can get rid of those then I can move her changing table into the closet once she's potty trained and she'll have more floor room in her room. I really want to reclaim my room and my bathroom from kiddo too. It was convenient when she was little to have a basket of toys in there to occupy her while I shower, but now more of her stuff is in there then my stuff. And I think her toothbrush and bath stuff needs to be done in her own bathroom more regularly. I know she loves my big bathtub but it's always full of toys. Plus she always grabs my candles and stuff and tries to play with them in the bath. I would love atleast one room in the house where I can go and just have adult stuff. Another big project I want to accomplish is getting all the closets and cabinets reorganized so they are a little more efficient. We have really tall cabinets in the kitchen and some of them aren't even being used. We have very little counter space in the kitchen so I need to better organize everything in there. Our master closet is a huge mess. I need to sort thorugh all the extra sheets and blankets and get rid of stuff we don't use. Not to mention, Mike's side of the closet is a wreck. He has clothes thrown all over the floor and he doesn't even use his dresser, all his clothes are on the built in shoe shelves in the closet. So he needs to get rid of a ton of clothes so our closet is clean. Then I can put the trunk at the foot of our bed in the closet with all the linens in it to clear up room in our bedroom. I think staying on top of keeping things organised is going to be our big challenge but I really think getting rid of a bunch of crap will make it so much easier. Maybe then the everday tasks won't seem so overwhelming.