Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sean's 6 month WBV

I can't believe my little guy is 6 months old today! The time has flown by so fast. He's doing really good. He is trying to sit up on his own, he gets out of his bouncer seat by himself, babbles and giggles nonstop, grabs at everything within his reach, anything he gets his hands on goes in his mouth, he's rolling all over the place and so close to crawling! We went to his WBV today and he's 19lbs 7oz and 26 3/4in! Holy cow! He got 2 shots and handled them so well, barely cried at all. I seriously can't believe how big he's getting. He's learning new things every day. He's loving getting to eat food too. So far he's had bananas, sweet potatoes, plums, peaches and carrots. Plus Mum Mum rice cakes and biter biscuts. He loves them all!