Friday, July 30, 2010

Sean's 4 month WBV

I can't believe this little guy is 4 months old already! I took him in to see Dr Caffey today, actually he was there 2 days ago also for an irritated eye also. Anyways, my little moose is 16lbs10oz (85%!), 25 3/4in (80%) long and his head circumference is 16 1/4in. He's a moose! He did really well for his visit, was smiling and talking and grabbing onto things. She said we could stop his eye ointment since his eye looks better. We can start rice cereal but I think we'll wait a few weeks. I fed him some the other night and he ate it well but then was puking all night. Not fun! He loves his jumperoo and does really well in his Bumbo seat. He's just like his big sister and loves the water! He loves being on his belly and swimming in the tub or the pool. If I'm not in the bath with him he sits in a little seat and kicks his legs like crazy. So cute! And he rolled over from his back to his belly for the first time today! So proud!! Anyways, here's a picture of him from today. He crashed out after his shots so I took a picture of him sleeping in his carseat. I love this little squishy, chunky guy!