Sunday, September 20, 2009

I can't believe it's Sunday again already.

Mike was off on Friday so I was set for a fun and hectic weekend. We ran a bunch of errands and got a few things done before heading home. I started unloading and reloading the dishwasher to get my mess of a kitchen cleaned up. All of a sudden my right thumb went numb so I told Mike and he had me sit on the couch. By the time he came in the house my entire right hand was numb up to my elbow. I had these migraines when I was pregnant with Kaelin so atleast I knew what was coming. I had Mike call the doctor's office to see if they wanted me to go the ER like I have in the past to rule out a stroke. Whoever the doctor was on-call told me to take Tylenol and lay down and if it didn't help to go to the ER for something stronger. Mike's mom came over and hung out with them while I laid down for a while. When I got up I was feeling awful and was starting to go numb again. I had Mike call the doctor again to let them know we were going thinking they would call ahead and send us to the 4th floor again. Wrong! We sat in the ER just like everyone else. Luckily we got back pretty quick. They took all kinds of blood and urine samples and hooked me up to all kinds of machines. The PA came in and said it sounds like a classic migraine and he would give me some more Tylenol and Zofran. Great, thanks. So I sat in the horrible upright bed with the lights blaring for 5 hours to be told I had a slight UTI but could finally have a shot of Demerol and go home. It was almost 2am when my MIL dropped me off. Mike had Kaelin asleep on the couch finally so I went straight in to bed. I slept like crap though and then we had a crazy day of birthday parties yesterday. So my plan is to do pretty much nothing today. Well, except laundry and dishes, but nothing else!