Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Did you get your tickets to the gun show?

They're right over there!
That's Kaelin's new game she plays at the dinner table. She started that last night out of the blue, I guess she heard Mike saying that one night and remembered it. We saw her pointing to the window and saying "They're over there" over and over and finally we realised what she was doing. Now she does it and just cracks up laughing when it makes us laugh. Silly girl!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Could use some prayers and positive thoughts

This isn't exactly what I would like to blog about, but it's the hand we've been dealt. Friday we got the call that my step-father, John, has prostate cancer. So far that's all we know. He goes in tomorrow for a CT scan and a bone scan to see if it has spread to anywhere else in his body. He doesn't get the results of those tests until the 7th. Which I find sick that he has to wait that long to find out how bad it is, but I guess that's how it works. I was over there today and he seems pretty upbeat about it all. He was saying he wasn't going to let it get to him. I guess I'll update when I know more, but in the meantime I'll take any prayers or positive thoughts anyone has to offer.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Birthday pics are coming

I know I haven't posted any pics from Kae's birthday yet. But we got a new Mac awhile ago and Mike uploaded all the pics to it. I haven't had the time to play with it yet, but I need to upload the pics from it. So as soon as I figure out how to do it, I will! I also need to reschedule her birthday portraits. I was waiting to see how her scar would heal but it's slow going so I guess we'll just have to have 2nd birthday pics with the scar.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

2 year appointment stats

I took Kaelin for her 2 year checkup and shots yesterday. As soon as we got to the doctors' office she was upset. She has seen way too much of them for traumatic things lately! She weighed in at 22lbs 10oz (5%) and was 33.25 inches (20-50%) and her head was 47cm. The doctor said she seems to be growing fine and isn't worried about her being small at all. She got one vaccine that she missed at 18 months due to an outage and will go back Monday for the other shot she's due for. She did ok for the appointment but did not like the doctor touching her. She kept pushing her hand away and even told her "Go out that door" a few times. Such a booger! I think she is doing exceptionally well with her milestones for her age also.

Here's some of the things she's doing:

Speaking and understanding very complex sentances.
Has a huge vocabulary.
Counts to 10.
Knows all of her colors and animals (by sight and sound).
Swims with only arm floaties and no assistance from us.
She's starting to draw and can almost get a circle drawn by herself.
Knows a handful of basic shapes (square, circle, triangle and star).
Walks and runs forwards and backwards with no assistance and rarely falls.
Feeds herself with a fork and spoon very well. Also uses straws and drinks out of glasses and bottles (water, coke, etc) without spilling too much.
Climbs into her booster seat and carseat by herself.
Puts her shoes on by herself.
She's capable of making simple choices like what she wants to wear or eat.
Loves putting together shape puzzles.

Now I just have to get her weaned and sleeping through the night!

2 icons lost in 1 day

Wow, I can't believe that both Farrah Fawcet and Michael Jackson died today. Not that I was the biggest fan of either, but still. They were both huge icons to their generations. Everyone in America (if not the world) has seen the famous red bathing suit poster and heard of the King of Pop. They will both be missed.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Kaelin!

(I know I'm a few days late posting this, but it's been busy around here!)

Friday was my sweet princess' birthday. I can't believe it's already been 2 years, the time has gone by amazingly fast. Friday I took her to Jumpin' Jungle and she had a blast! That has really become her favorite place to go, she loves all the moonwalks and slides. There was a little boy there with his dad and he quickly became attached to Kaelin. He followed her all over the place and kept talking to her and trying to hold her hand. We went to get a drink and he threw a fit because we were leaving the room. It was pretty cute, normally Kaelin is the one that gets attached. He did break her heart though when she asked for the ball he was playing with and he told her no. She came running to me and said "Him said no to me Mommy" and started crying. It was so pitiful. Friday night we went to Wal-Mart to pick up her birthday present, a new big girl bed! It's a really cute toddler bed and it matches her other furniture perfectly! She's so excited and loves it! So far she hasn't slept any better in it, but I figure we'll work on it once things settle down this week.

Saturday we had her party. We rented a moonwalk and had all the family over. There weren't as many kids this year as last year though. One of her friends was home sick, another is in the hospital with MRSA and another was spending the day with his daddy before he left town again. But I think she had a good time! I made a huge pot of spaghetti and meatballs since that's her favorite dinner. And I did go with the cupcakes and it worked out really well. I only have a few left in the fridge. She did pretty well this year with presents too! She got a bunch of PJs and a few outfits, a Muno guitar (she loves it!), a princess table, a new art easel, an aqua doodle, sidewalk chalk, books, a Mrs. Potatoe Head, board puzzles, a coloring book, and a new bathtub boat toy. It's a good thing I just cleaned out the toy box and her clothes! Now I just have to pack up the clothes and toys and crib and store them away.

Today is Father's Day so we're heading over to my parents for a late lunch then over to Mike's parents. I guess I should get my butt in the shower.

Baby Kaelin June 19, 2007 10:01pm

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I won something!!

My friend over at LoveToShopMom had a giveaway week to celebrate her birthday. I entered the contest to win this carseat cover and I won it! Yay! I've never won any of the contests I've entered before so I'm pretty excited!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sweet score at the grocery store!

Sunday night was grocery shopping night. I normally sit down and make my weekly menu based on the sale paper and what coupons I have. It's become like a game to me to try and see how little I can get stuff for. I spent $46 and came home with 9 dinners! Here's what's on the menu for this week:


BBQ chicken
~Corn on the cob
~Garlic Shells

Hamburger Helper
~French bread
~Ceaser salad

Grilled cheese sandwiches
~Tomato soup
~Fruit cocktail

~Homemade french fries
~Sauteed onions

~Mashed potatoes

Cheese steak sandwiches
~Fresh fruit

Lemon pepper chicken breasts

Hamburger helper

So I'm pretty pleased with myself. I'll need to run to the store for milk again at some point during the week. And I'll have to go get the stuff for Kaelin's birthday party probably Friday night. We're planning on making her favorite dinner, spaghetti, for Saturday night. I'll probably run to Wal-Mart and get their industrial size spaghetti sauce, I don't think Kroger's has very big ones and I don't want to buy 5 little bottles. I guess I'll make a few pounds of meatballs also. Kaelin like it's better that way because then I can give her sauce without any meat in it, otherwise I have to try to pick out the ground beef. Friday I think I'll make some cupcakes so she can have a birthday cupcake with 2 candles in it on her birthday. And I still have to figure out what I'm going to do for her birthday cake. Krogers doesn't have an Abby Cadabby cake so I think I'll check Wal-Mart otherwise I guess I'll make the cake myself. Or I could just do a bunch of cupcakes in Abby Cadabby colors. Hmmmm, that sounds good. Then I'm not stuck with leftover cake, I'll just send cupcakes home with everyone.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

10 year reunion was last night

Last night was my 10 year high school reunion. I suppose I'm glad I went but it was not what I was expecting at all. Hardly anyone showed up and everyone just stood around all night. They served some food but it wasn't very good at all and the cash bar was outragousely expensive. I did get to see a few people I wanted to, but for the most part it was people I didn't know or really didn't care to see. We went outside so Crystina and Mary could smoke and some biker guys started talking to us. They got out a bottle of liquor and passed it around. Ahh, good times. We stayed long enough to take the class picture then left. We went over to Molly's Pub and had a drink there. We ran into a girl that was a few years younger then us and was a Cavalier with us. She went to the same college I did so we spent a while talking about when we were on the drill team there. I got home a little after 12 and Kaelin was ready for bed. Mike had managed to pacify her some but couldn't get her to sleep. I have a horrible headache this morning because I couldn't seem to get to sleep at all last night. We have a baby shower to go to this afternoon and I'm looking forward to eating, I'm starved for some good bbq!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Splashpark Fun!

My sister called me the other day to see if I wanted to take Kaelin to the splashpark in Pearland. Sounded like fun. So yesterday we took Kaelin and Carissa there. The first one we went to was crowded and didn't have alot of water stuff going on. The second one we went to was much better! I slathered the girls in sunscreen and let 'em go. They had a blast! Kaelin ran around non-stop in all the different sprinklers and puddles. Here's a few pics. We'll definately have to go back again!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

7 years ago today

I can't believe it's already been 7 years since we got married. We had a nice evening just the two of us. We went and had dinner at the Olive Garden then went and saw "The Land of The Lost". Interesting movie, we'll leave it at that. It was nice to have a chance to get out of the house by ourselves. We don't get to do that very often. Kaelin was seriously wired when we got home. It should be fun trying to get her to sleep tonight. I guess I better get on that. :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

No dogs allowed

We have a pretty strict no-dogs-allowed-in-the-kitchen-while-we're-eating rule. This includes the plastic, non-verbal kind as well. Case in point:

Some new pics

This week has gone by so fast! Kaelin has done really well with her stitches. The only time she fussed about them was when we would take the band-aid off each night to clean them. I took her in yesterday morning and had the sutures removed. It was not a pleasant experience at all! We had to hold her down again and she screamed the whole time. She kept yelling that she needed medicine or a new band-aid. Then she started yelling "Thank you" to the doctor. She's so polite, even when she's being held down. Here's a pic of her band-aid she's been wearing.

We have been having a hard time getting Kaelin to get into and stay in her high chair lately. So on Thursday I took her shopping and we found a new big girl booster seat! She loves it! It's pretty similar to her highchair since we had the space saver one, but it's new and she's happy with it. So far no problems getting her into it, just getting her out of it!

Kaelin and Daddy were playing "fort" in Kaelin's bed the other night. They were pretending to look at jungle animals with their binoculors. So Mike took her outside to use the real binoculors to look at stuff. It was so cute watching her look through them!

And she's spent. :)

Last night was Mike's sister's graduation. It's so wierd to me because 10 years ago I was graduating. The reunion is next weekend already. Eek! Anyways, there were almost 1000 students graduating this year. They had it out on the football field and we were able to see Colleen as she walked by to go sit in her chair. It was so hot and the ceremony was so long that we didn't make it. It took an hour for them to even get to the part where they present the diplomas and then Colleen was about 500 names in. It didn't start until 7 so I'm sure theygot out of there really late. Kaelin stayed with my parents because I knew she would not have fun if she went with us. After we left we stopped at Chili's and had dinner. So yummy! Then we went and picked up Kaelin from Mom's. She had pizza for dinner and went swimming. She was ready for bed as soon as we got home, which was awesome. I was so tired that I went to bed shortly after I put her down. Here's a pic of our graduate!

I have to go to church tomorrow to run the sound system. My step-dad is preaching and the normal sound guy will be out of town. So I have to go up there today for a run through. Shouldn't be too hard but I don't really like going to church anymore.
Next week or so will be super busy! Tuesday is our 7th anniversary! Then Mike has a dentist appointment and our reunion is on Friday night. Then we have Kaelin's birthday pics and Geri's baby shower on Saturday. Then we're either going bowling or up to Humble Saturday night. Then it's Father's Day and Kaelin's birthday after that! I can't believe she's going to be 2 already!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Not winning any awards any time soon

We had to take Kaelin to the ER again tonight. She fell while running away from me in the living room and gashed her forehead open. I heard her hit and new it was a hard hit so I scooped her right up and hugged her tight. Mike came running in and when I pulled her back to show him I saw the gash. I knew immediately it needed stitches. Mike grabbed a wet rag and held it on right away so it didn't bleed very bad at all. She was screaming she needed a band-aid so Mike put a piece of gauze and some princess tape on it before we left the house. I showed it to her in the mirror and she settled down. The whole way to the hospital I was freaking out because she was so calm and quiet. She just held my hand and looked out the window. Once we got into a room the nurse came in and looked at it and said she'd definately need stitches and it would be awhile. Thankfully Mike's mom met us there so she helped us keep Kae entertained. She was running around and playing and trying to jump on the bed the whole time. The nurse practioner came in and told us he was going to numb the area and that we would have to wrap her up and hold her down so they could suture it. That was horrible, she was scraming the whole time. They covered her eyes so the light wasn't in her face and she was fraked out that she couldn't see any of us. Then she started saying "Thank you nurse Kevin" even while she was screaming. Broke my heart. I had to look away and try hard not to lose it so she wouldn't hear me cry. As soon as they were done I scooped her up and unwrapped her. She's happy with her princess tape and is excited about going to pick out new big band-aids tomorrow. I need to call Dr. McAtee and see when they want us to come in. The ER said 5 days to have sutures removed but I want to check with them just in case. Well. I'm exhausted and going to try to settle down before going in to bed.