Thursday, May 7, 2009

Found a great deal!

I love a great deal, nothing excites me more. Well, that's not entirely true. Anyways, a friend of mine posted a baby carrier website that was closing. I went and checked it out since we've always been real big into baby wearing with Kaelin. I found a Patapum Toddler Carrier for more than 50% off! Yay! When Kaelin was first born and I went to work at the dance studio, I wore her in a Moby wrap and I loved it. It was so soft and comfortable and it held her tiny baby body so nice and securely. But it's a lot of material and now that she's bigger it's hard to wrap her up in it anymore. Then I started using a mei tai for awhile. I could wear her on my front or my back, plus it fit Mike as well. But again, she's outgrown that as well. Then Mike bought an Infantino carrier that he liked, but I never thought it was quite as good as some of the carriers. Luckily she's outgrown that one now too so I had the perfect excuse to buy the new one! Now I can't wait for it to get here so I can try wearing her again, especially on my back.