Thursday, January 28, 2010

Only 10 weeks left!

I went in for my OB appt today. I am at 29w1d, so I only have 10 weeks left until Sean is here! Man, we have alot to do! The appt went well, spent more time in the waiting room then the exam room. My weight is up to 141 (2 pounds from last time), BP was 102/60, Sean's heart rate was in the 150s and I was measuring right at 29cm. She asked about my headaches and if I started taking my iron. She told me to take it on an empty stomach or it does no good. I didn't know that, so I'm glad she said that.

So far I still feel pretty good. My feet are starting to hurt and I've noticed I'm getting cramps in my legs at night. It's starting to get uncomfortable to have a full stomach, I feel like I can't breathe after eating. Sean is doing the same thing that Kaelin used to do and like to wedge himself up under my ribs on the right side. As annoying as it can be, I know I'll miss it when it's gone. :) I still feel like I have a decent amount of energy, which is good because Kaelin has decided that she doesn't need a nap on most days. Today we got up early and she had a fun day at Grammy's, so she fell asleep on the way home and we took a nice nap.

Margret and I went to the mall after my appt so I could get a few new shirts. I had $60 credit at Motherhood from returning my dress for Mike's Christmas party that got cancelled. They still haven't said anything about rescheduling it so I decided there was no point in hanging on to the credit. I'll just get a different dress if we do end up going to a party at this point. They had a bunch of stuff on the clearance rack so I was able to get 4 new shirts. I admit, 4 shirts for $60 is kinda steep, but considering that's where I had the credit, I was happy to end up with more then 2 tops.

I was hoping to be farther along in potty training then we are by now. But sadly, we've really regressed. Kaelin had a bladder infection and a yeast infection last month, and now another yeast infection. So she is terrified of the potty from the whole trying to get a sample thing that ended up in 2 straight caths. Oh well, I know she is capable of doing it. She tells me as soon as she needs her diaper changed. I think I'll leave it alone for a month or so and then readdress the situation. I know once she's willing to get on the potty again she'll get it really quick. She was doing really good before this whole infection thing started. It would be so nice to only have to buy 1 size of diapers come April, but she'll do it when she's ready I guess.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Only 26w1d afterall

So I just spoke with my OB's office. They called to tell me they scheduled my c/s for April 8th. I was confused because that would be right at 40 weeks. So I called back and left a message and the dr just called me back. Apparently after my first u/s with the other dr in the office, they changed my due date to the 14th not the 8th of April but never told me. So I am now 26w2d instead of 27w1d. Whatever.

27 weeks!

I went in for my 27 week appt and 1 hr GTT yesterday. My BP was low, but that's pretty normal for me. I must have finally gained enough weight because I didn't get hassled about it this month. I'm at 139, for a total of 10 pounds. Belly measured at 26 cm and HB was 147. We talked about circumcision and how my OB does it. I'm very relieved to find out that if we decide to do it, she uses anesthetic. They are supposed to call me with my c-section appointment but we're shooting for April 1 or 2. I go back in 3 weeks, then I'm down to 2 week appointments!

Overall I'm feeling pretty good. Starting to get hard to eat and breathe at the same time. And I'm pretty uncomfortable any time my stomach is full, but I remember that from Kaelin too. I've been having more round ligament pains in my lower belly and some pain in my back. But really, nothing too bad. My sister and I started talking about the baby shower yesterday. We decided on Feb 27 and she got the invites all written up yesterday afternoon. I just need a few more addresses and then I'll get them out into the mail. Mike and I are going to go and try to finish our registry this weekend. I've pretty  much picked out everything online but I want to see some of it in person before deciding for sure.

Ugh! The cat is trying to stick her face in Kaelin's breakfast. I swear, you'd think they were starving!