Friday, July 31, 2009

Having a sick kid sucks

Kaelin woke up Thursday morning at 3:30 puking all over me. We got her settled back in and she slept ok. We got up at around nine and hung out on the couch. I let her nurse a little bit and then she got up and started screaming her tummy hurt. I managed to get her to the bathroom in time for her to puke all over the sink. I took her to the ped and she said it's most likely a virus and to push clear liquids and take her to the ER if she continued to throw up. She seemed better and played all day with Carissa. Then she woke up shortly after I put her down for the night last night and puked again and was running a fever. I couldn't get her to take Tylenol for anything so we just watched it through the night. She seems to be feeling better and only urped up a little bit this morning. I've been feeding her easy foods like soup and toast and tonight we took her to get a popsicle from DQ. She's in the shower now and hopefully she won't puke at all tonight.

In other news, we leave for MN in a week! I'm excited but the OCD side of me is already packing in my mind. Actually, I started a packing list about a month ago so I wouldn't forget anything. I'm trying to figure out the best way to pack our luggage so we only have to check 1 bag now that they charge for luggage. What a rip off. I think I have it figured out so hopefully everything will fit like I'm planning. I'll have to pack a few more baby type supplies for Kae this time around since we'll be staying with my dad part of the time and he has no baby stuff what so ever. But it shouldn't be too bad, just stuff like her soap and lotion, etc. I would like to get out our new Toddler Patapum carrier and get her used to riding on Daddy's back because I think that's the only way we'll make it through the airport. Especially since we have to lug her carseat with us. Ugh, I'm dreading the actual traveling part of the trip, but I think it'll be worth it! I feel bad that Mike won't have any vacation time left to take for his birthday at the end of the month. Plus we'll be broke after the trip so I think he's bummed about not being able to get a big birthday present. We'll see though, I have some savings bonds I can cash in to use if I need to. It's so much harder for me to try and do gifts for him now that I'm not working. My paychecks used to be extra so I could get him whatever I wanted. Can't do that anymore.