Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Did anyone get the plate number of the truck that ran me over?

Today turned out much worse then I imagined. Kaelin woke up grumpy and clingy, not much of a big deal except my mom was coming to stay with her while I went and had a wisdom tooth pulled. Atleast I knew Mike would be here in case she absolutely threw a fit when I left. (Mike had car trouble this morning and so he worked from home.) I got to the dentist's and noticed the words didn't look right in the magazine I was reading. Crap, another migraine. I won't go into detail, but since getting pregnant with Kaelin my migraines have stepped up a level. I get nauseaus, visual disturbances, numbness and sometimes slurred speech. So I knew this had the potential to turn bad, quickly. They took me back and I got started watching a movie while they numbed me. Overall it wasn't too bad except the doctor had a hard time getting the tooth out. So I felt alot of pressure while she was digging at it. By the time I left I was feeling better but the headache part had kicked in full force. Plus my jaw was hurting from biting on the gauze so hard to help stop the bleeding. I got home and Kaelin was ready for her nap. So I changed out of my jeans and sat on the couch with her. Mom sat with us and rubbed my head while Kaelin fell asleep. I tried to nap with her but the novacaine was wearing off and it was starting to hurt. I asked Mike to call and ask if the doctor would call in some pain meds for me. Luckily, she did and he went and got it for me. Mom had brought over a frozen lasagna and garlic bread so I didn't have to cook so I stuck that in the oven. I ended up only eating a bit of it before switching to jello. So I've been taking it easy and letting Mike handle Kaelin. They just got from getting milk and icecream at the store. Tomorrow we're supposed to go to lunch with Mom and Margret. Mike is going to take my car so Margret is going to pick us up. Hopefully I'll feel up to it. Then she's going to take me to switch out our HD DVR box since it decided to crap out on us today. I can't handle anymore Little Mermaid, Jungle Book or Horton. Crap, I'm going to have to reprogram the new box with all our recorded shows.