Wow, it's been over 3 months since my last post?! Crazy talk! I could make excuses and blame the holidays, but I won't. I just plain old slacked.

There have been so many changes with the kids in the last few months. Kaelin is really looking like a big girl! Mike convinced her to go get her first hair cut and I think it jump started her hair growing! I can put it into a real ponytail now, or piggies even! She continues to surprise me every day with the things she knows. She's a little sponge and soaks up every single thing around her. I am starting to have a little bit of a problem with her being jealous of Sean. She can't stand it when I'm on the couch feeding him and she can't be in my lap also. I have been looking into preschool for her in the fall. I mostly want to get her (and me!) used to being on a set schedule and used to her being away from me in a classroom setting. I think I'm going to send her to the same school her BFF went to. It seems like a good school, I went to school with the current director and they are extremely flexible with the schedule. So I could start with sending her one morning a week and increase it as we get used to it. She may surprise me though and love school so much that she doesn't mind being away from me. But I do want to wait until the fall, no point in starting too early and her not liking it. She got a Leapster Explorer and some games for it for Christmas and she's already playing the 4-7 year old games. She doesn't quite know her numbers or letters yet, but she's starting to get it. And for the most part, she is finally sleeping all night! I just ordered her some ladybugs for her ladybug habitat and she is so excited about getting them and seeing them grow!

Now for Sean. My little guy is a chunk! At his 9 month checkup he was already weighing 20 pounds! That's more then Kaelin weighed at a year old! He got a new big boy carseat for Christmas and loves riding in it, rear facing still of course. He crawls all over the place and is even cruising the furniture and using a walker. He will be walking by his birthday I'm sure. He's just such a happy little guy, I love it! He is a total water baby like his sister was. If I carry him in the bathroom to start the tub then get him undressed in his room, the second I set him down he hauls naked butt for the bathroom and shrieks when he sees the water! He's a fairly decent sleep. We've all been dealing with a cold the last few weeks and he has popped 3 teeth so none of us have been getting too much sleep.
I'm finding myself still trying to find a balance between being me, being a mommy and being a wife. Somewhere in there I have to juggle household duties and some days go better then others. But if my kids are happy, Mike and I are happy, and we're all clothed and fed then nothing else really matters. Mike and I don't get too terribly much alone time but every once in a while one of the grandmas will babysit and we'll catch dinner and a movie. We're working on some things around the house. Mike is building some cubby shelves for the kids toys and working really hard on our vegetable garden. He's studying really hard so he can work on programming some Apple apps. He's pretty excited about it and I hope he's having fun with it too.