Monday, October 26, 2009

All it takes is a little chocolate ice cream

I discovered a few days ago that I am no longer producing milk. Yay, right? Well, it would be except Kaelin doesn't care if she gets milk or not. She's all about the comfort latch. I have been weaning her lately and I consider this a big step, I was afraid she'd nurse until I delivered and then push the baby out of the way to nurse. But now I know that won't happen. I don't feel so mean telling her no since I know she's not getting anything. Bedtime has been going well. She has some milk and cuddle time before bed. Then we all go to bed and she falls asleep watching a movie on the ipod. Soon I'll get rid of the ipod, but for now it works. Not much luck getting her to sleep in her own bed still but most nights she's in bed with us she sleeps all night! Yay! All I want is sleep right now, I don't care how I get it. She still has a huge interest in my boobs, wants to hug and kiss them and tells me they are her babies and she loves them. So today I decided we would do naptime with out nursing. Now this is a huge deal because other then a car ride, nursing is the only way I can get her down for a nap. So I let her pick out one of her old binkies thinking she would like something to suck on while we snuggled. She played with it but wasn't satisfied. So we went and layed in bed like we do for bed. I gave her some milk and the ipod. 2 hours later I was cranky and she was still wide awake. So I gave up and got out some ice cream. She has ice cream sensors and came running right away. I shared thinking she would stay awake through the evening and we could all go to bed early. Mike got home a few minutes later and sat on the couch with her while he played a video game. Next thing I know he's telling me she crashed. Maybe tomorrow I'll just start with ice cream.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Trunk or Treat

Yesterday we took Kaelin to Trunk or Treat at a local church. They had free food, a moonwalk, a pumpking patch, people in costume, face painting, and a fire demo from the fire dept. When it got dark they had people's cars lined up in the parking lot with their trunks decorated handing out candy. She seemed to have fun. But she refused to wear her mouse ears so I don't think anyone knew she was supposed to be Minnie Mouse. Oh well. I forgot to take our camera so my sister's friend took a few pics for us. If they're any good I'll post them when I get them.

Kaelin has been having temper tantrums like crazy lately. I just don't know what to do about them, nothing seems to help. We took her to Target yesterday to get a few things. She wanted to run around and hide in the clothes racks and do whatever she wanted. I told her she either needed to sit in the basket or let my sister carry her. She said she wanted to hold my hand and walk. I let her, then she kept pulling away from me and running off. People were looking at me like I was a horrible mother and I think I scared the ladies in the maternity dept. Finally my sister took my wallet to check out my stuff so I could take Kaelin to the car. She threw such a fit and was trying to get out of my arms. I swear people thought I was kidnapping her the way she was screaming. I finally forced her into her carseat and got her calmed down. I told her that she was not going to be able to use the iPod the rest of the weekend but I'm not sure she gets it. It's getting to were I don't want to take her tot hte store by myself anymore.

Monday, October 12, 2009

14w4d doctor appointment

Mike was off today so he got to go with me to my appointment today. So far everything is good. I'm down another 1/2lb so I got quizzed over my diet. Dr Files also told me that I had +1 ketones in my urine so I need to really drink up some water. Nothing to be worried about yet, just cautioning me. My blood pressure was normal and the baby's heartbeat was in the 160's. We discussed my anterior placenta and whether it would move or cause any problems with the c-section. Luckily, it should be fine since it's not low, just in the front. She said they normally move up some as the uterus grows. She seems open to working with us on scheduling the c-section to where we don't use up all of Mike's vacation time in the hospital too. If we do it on Thursday or Friday then we would be home Sunday or Monday, so that would be good. We'll schedule that at around 28 weeks so she said just to remind her about that then. She didn't give me a hard time about not getting the flu shot, so I was happy about that. I had blood drawn for the cystic fibrosis test while I was there. I hate getting blood drawn! I go back in 4 weeks to see her for a regular appointment and to see Dr Rowe (peri) for the next u/s. The appointments are at 10:30 and 1:55 so I'll have to take Mike and Kaelin home and have lunch in between. I'm excited to take Kaelin to the appt. so she can see her baby brother too! That should be pretty cool for her!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The ups and downs of potty training

So we're potty training...sorta. We're taking the approach of not pushing her but not ignoring her signs either. So far if she is either naked or in panties she'll do  great job of telling us she needs to go on the potty. Yesterday she had 2 accidents though. One at my mom's and one outside in our driveway. Both times I think the excitement of the situation distracted her. So from now on I think we'll only have panty time when we are home and inside close to the potty. After her 2nd accident we came in the house and she peed 3 different times on the potty. I don't know how she had so much in her bladder, but she did. So she now has 11 start stickers on her potty chart! Not bad for only working on it a few weeks. It's so great seeing her get excited when she realises that she peed on the potty all by herself! She squeals and claps and then flushes the toilet and runs out of the room squealing. The downside to it is I can no longer ignore it when she says she wants to sit on the potty. So some nights we're in their stripping down 4 or 5 times before she actually does anything. But it's progress and I would love it if she's fully trained before April. Diapers aren't cheap!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hello 2nd trimester!

Thursday I hit 13 weeks so I am now in the second trimester! Yay! The best news is that I'm starting to feel alot better. I haven't thrown up in atleast a week and the queezies seem to be easing up. In other news, Kaelin is starting to sleep a little better at night. Some nights I actually get an 8 hour stretch out of her. Too bad I'm up to go to the bathroom a few times a night. I've been looking at bedding and furniture somewhat. I've found a few cute things I like but haven't settled on anything just yet. Well, I guess we're off for another busy weekend of running errands.