Thursday, November 19, 2009

What a week!

I will be so happy to see this week over and done with! Kaelin has had hand, foot and mouth disease all week. So I've been afraid to take her anywhere even though it's not that bad. I would feel awful if someone caught it from her and got it really bad- sores in the mouth, fever, diarrhea, etc. So we've pretty much been hanging out in the house watching movies and stuff. Mike left yesterday for a work trip and won't be home until tomorrow night. So after I got him all packed up Tuesday night I was laying on the couch with Kaelin. I picked up my left arm to do something with Kaelin and realised my arm felt funny. Sure enough, within a few minutes my left arm, leg and half of my face was numb. Then my head started throbbing. Ugh, so not the time for a migraine to kick in. So my head has been throbbing for 2 days now, but luckily Kae has been pretty good. I guess I should get moving.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

18w5d update

Tuesday was a big day for us! We saw Dr Rowe, the peri, this morning for the follow up u/s from the integrated screening. Everything looks great with the baby! 100% definately positive it is a boy! We were able to get great shots of the head, face, stomach, toes, legs, hands, heart, etc. We got a few good profile shots and a bunch of shots of his penis. We even got a picture of him flipping us the bird! He's in trouble already! He's measuring a few days ahead at 19w even so that is good. Kaelin was always behind, so I'm sure he's going to be a little bigger then she was. He was moving all over the place and the tech had to keep chasing him down. They said the placenta is not close to my c-section scar but is covering the front and top of my uterus. So no big suprise I'm not feeling anything definite yet. All the bloodwork for any genetic issues came back negative. We waited for a little over an hour so Kaelin was kind of burned out by the time we got called back. But, overall, she did good.

After lunch I went back for my regular appointment with Dr Files, my OB/GYN. My weight is up to 129 lbs, so almost back to where I started at. Blood pressure was good at 100/60 and I assume my u/a was clear. We discussed circumcision and she said she does it in the hospital before discharge. That's realy good because I've heard of a few doctors waiting a few weeks to do them. I go back in 4 weeks and then we'll do the GTT at 28 weeks and schedule our c-section. So everything is looking great and we're just plugging along!


Being Naughty!

I'm all BOY!

Stretching his long legs


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Doing some catching up

I have been really bad about updating this blog. Things have been going okay around here for the most part. We're just plugging along. I can't believe I'm almost halfway through this pregnancy, it is going by way too fast! Mike is on vacation for the next week and we have alot going on. Monday Kaelin goes to the dentist for the first time. I figure that's a Daddy job since I can't go with her for x-rays. So I'm thinking it'll go smoother if I'm not there so she can't beg for me. Plus I have an appointment with the angel I call my chiropractor. I haven't been since Kae was born and I am feeling the pain big time. I want to find out if my insurance will cover the massage therapist there so I can go back to weekly massages to get through this pregnancy. If not, I guess adjustments alone are better then nothing. Plus I've met my yearly deductible so I may as well take advantage if it is covered! Tuesday we see Dr Rowe to get the resluts of all the genetic bloodwork and another u/s! I'm excited for this one and we'll have to have it taped. Then in the afternoon I see Dr Files for my monthly checkup. Other then those appointments, Mike wants to spend a bunch of time doing fun things with Kaelin all week. I want to go through Kaelin's toys while they're out of the house one day and narrow done her stuff. She has way too many things for a 2 year old!

I'm feeling pretty good so far, aside from the back pain. We've passed the point where I started being able to feel Kaelin move and so far, nothing this time around. But I blame that on the anterior placenta and I'm not too worried about it. I'm not too terribly big yet either. I mean, I feel huge, but I can still wear normal clothes and if you didn't know I was pregnant you probably wouldn't guess it. I have worn my favorite maternity jeans a few times but mostly just because they are comfy. But I'm always pulling them up and it drives me nuts! Mike's christmas party is next month and I need to get a dress. But I guess I'll wait until it gets closer so I don't buy the wrong thing. I don't want to wear something that looks too small, and I don't want to buy a full on maternity dress meant for later if I will be swimming in it. I figure I'll hit up Motherhood when it gets a few weeks out.

Well, dinner should be ready soon so I better get the kitchen straightened up a little.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Pics!

Kaelinhad so much fun trickor treating last night! Thisis the first year she really got what the concept was and was super excited about going to get candy. I had a hard time getting her dressed though. She wanted to wear her princess lady shoes and I told her it was way too cold for them. Then I tried getting her black tights on bu she nixed that idea too. Luckily I was able to sneak her ears in her piggies without her noticing! Our neighborhood is the perfect size for her age, so by the time we ran out of houses, she was done. And so was Mommy since I ended up carrying her most of the way! We walked with our neighbors so Kae had her friend Taylor with her. They were so cute! She kept holding his hand and walking with him. She was pretty sugared up by the time we got home so her 9:00 bedtime was out the window. She ended up coming into bed with me and fell asleep watching Aladdin on the iPod after about 15 minutes. Here's some pics of my Minnie Mouse!

What do you mean this candy is for other kids?

But the Nerds are my favorite!

Just scored!

How we did most of our T or T'ing.