Wednesday, June 22, 2011 v2.0

I have had the pleasure to work with a few times in the past and I have to say, they are still one of my favorite sites to find top selling toys for 3 year olds! (Oops, my 3 year old is now 4, I guess that's my next post!)

Both of my kids are curious little creatures. Sean loves taking things apart and putting them back together again. His favorite thing lately is to carry around various cables and plug them in to things. Don't worry, my outlets are all covered! He'll take a cable for my ipod and stick it into the aux jack on the laptop or the media center computer in the living room. I think that's fantastic for a 1 year old! So my favorite commercial toys for him are the wooden games that ebeanstalk carries. The wooden puzzles, magnetic mazes and shape sorters are perfect for his little fingers. The Melissa & Doug toys were some of Kaelin's favorites and those have been handed down to Sean to love now. So, one benefit to the wooden toys is that they definately hold up to the abuse kids inflict on them! So much better then cheapy plastic toys that break apart after the first time they get thrown around a bit. Plus, with these around, all my cables and cords can get a rest from being jammed into everything!

Kaelin loves all kinds of experiments and projects where she gets to learn how to make things and how they work. I will be going to visit family in a few weeks so Mike will be home alone with Kae for almost a week. They are planning on hitting the beach, the zoo and (of course) Jump'n Jungle in their free time. But I am seriously eyeing these fun science kits as another activity for them to do together. A few months ago we bought a kit that was a solar cell that could be made into a dog, a robot, a sailboat and a wind mill. She thought that was the coolest thing ever and I know Mike loved getting to geek it up with his princess. She carried a flash light around with her so she could show everyone how it turned on when she shined the light on the solar cell. I think she would love the butterfly garden after we had such success with our lady bugs this past year. And I would love to see her playing with any of the Magic School Bus kits! I'm ashamed to admit it, but I loved that show even when I was a freshman in college! (Shhhh!) The microscope would go perfectly with her mini microscope and magnifying glasses! I love that we have a little one to pass our nerd genes to! :)

So, if you haven't checked out yet, do it now! You know, Christmas is only 6 months away. Just saying!