Friday, June 25, 2010

New family pictures

We went to Target today to get our pics taken. I'm a little late in having Sean's newborn pics taken, but I didn't want the alien baby pics. So we just waited until he filled out and looks like a chubby little baby first.     I had the kids wear there big sister and little brother shirts and Mike and I just wore plain white shirts and khakis. I'm pleased with the group shots, you can even read their shirts! Then Kaelin didn't want to take pics with Sean anymore because he pooped and apparently it's contagious or something. So we only got 1 pic of them together but it was an ok one.

Kaelin did her third birthday pics in a princess dress and lady shoes this year. That's what she's always wearing anyways so I'm just sharing the love! :) She kept running around or giving her cheesy grin and it was a little maddening trying to get her to sit still for her pictures.

I changed Sean into one of the outfits I won from Bei Bambini before he was born. Let me tell you, I was a little hesitant to rip the tag off of an outfit he'll only wear once knowing it's got a $50 value. But I sucked it up and ripped that baby off. I can still sell the other $450 worth of stuff he got. Which is crazy for the amount of stuff that actually is, but that's another post! Anyways, we are now the proud owners of some cute baby sailor pics, how cliche!

They should be emailing the proofs to me soon, so I'll post them when I get them. Then I have to finally tackle redoing our picture wall. Ugh, it's such a mess right now and I hate it. I think I need to take the snapshots down and only frame the good professional pics. That way it's not so hectic and I can actually have a cohesive wall of pics. Maybe :)

Okay, here's the link to the pics!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Great site for fun learning toys!

I was recently came across a great website for quality education baby toys and kids toys! If you haven't been to yet you gotta check it out! 

One thing I like when I visit a website is to see that they are well organized with easy to search categories and I know when I'm shopping for baby toys and kids toys, I have a hard time remembering what works best for different ages. Ebeanstock has taken the guess work out of the equation by having a toys by age category along with many other options for finding the perfect toy! Love it! Every toy has a detailed description, safety information and tells you exactly what areas your kiddo will be working on by using that toy. Plus their team of child experts hand-pick every toy that is on their website and conduct their own tests to ensure that that the toy is age-appropriate. Many times a toy will be for ‘AGES 3+’ and their experts will move that toy to an older age group. Additionally, they conduct their own ‘wear-and-tear’ tests. If they don’t think a toy will stand up to the tough, daily grind of being a toy, they don’t want the toy. It's so nice to have a company that is looking out for not only our kids' safety, but for our pocketbooks! No more wasting money by throwing away crummy toys that just don't last. 

Ever get stumped when you're trying to pick out a fun, educational and safe toy for your kiddo? Not anymore! Ebeanstalk list what their best sellers are, so we can peek at what other moms (and dads!) are getting for their kiddos. And since they are committed to selling only the best educational toys, they also have a page dedicated to expert advice. And who doesn't need some of that from time to time? When Kaelin had her birthday last week, I got so many calls and e-mails asking me what she wanted. With ebeanstalk you can get online (with or without your kiddos help!) and create a wish list that other people can view and shop from. Imagine that, not having to return gifts that are all wrong for your kiddo! You get to be in control of what others are getting them. No more loud, pointless toys! I would much rather point my friends and family to Kaelin's wish list and know that whatever they pick is going to be perfect!

One last thing I want to mention is that has a chat feature! So if you are having problems finding the right toy, or just have a question about their shipping or return policy, there's someone right there to ask! I hate playing the waiting game when you just want to know what to do if your kiddo doesn't like the toy you're about to buy. Let's face it, time is way too precious for us parents, why waste it trying to hunt down answers or phone numbers? 

Speaking of precious time, mine is up! Time to get the munchkins bathed and into bed. Tomorrow is picture day! 

Saturday, June 19, 2010

My baby is 3 today!

I can't believe it's already been 3 years since my Kaelin was born! It seems like it has gone by so fast. We had a small party at Chuck E Cheese this morning then came home and had a big party with all the family and friends. It was crazy hectic, but it always is! She had a blast, ate alot of sugar, got some great presents and is now passed out in her big girl bed! I am so proud of all the things she's done in 3 short years. She talks so well (always has!), uses her computer by herself, can dress and feed herself, and is 100% potty trained! I could go on and on about my super bug girl, but my brain is mush from this incredibly long day! Happy Birthday my princess Kaelin Marie!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2 month checkup and potty training

Sean had his checkup today. He did really good. I felt bad waking him up to undress him. He weighs 13.1lbs (80%), is 23.25in long (60ish%) and his head is 15in (20ish%). He got his shots and took them pretty well. I brought up his reflux and she said that's pretty normal but since he's gaining well we'll just watch it for now. He still has his umbilical hernia but it is getting better. He was so cute and babbled to her the whole time she was doing his exam!
He's doing really good these days. I keep finding him asleep in his swing or on his playmat or wherever. Kaelin never did that! I'm working on getting him in his crib too. He normally goes down between 9:30 and 10. I'll hear him babble a little bit but pretty much just leave him alone unless he's fussing. Then I'll go give him his binky or whatever. He's been sleeping until atleast 1:30 or 2am the past few nights then I just bring him to bed with me. By then I'm exhausted from anticipating him waking up and ready to really fall asleep. I'm sure as I get more comfy with him being in there I'll put him back to bed in there more often.

Anywho, that's what he's up to these days!
Kaelin is doing really good too! She had her first sleepover at Grammy's over the weekend! I'm so excited that she did really well and had fun. She woke up a little upset and was ready to come home, but overall it was a huge success! With Aunt Moogie moving back into Grammy's I think Kae will be sleeping over there more often. She is such a smart little girl and has a great imagination. I could just eat her up! Every Tuesday we go over to Grammy's and she swims all day while I hang out with Sean in the house. She has a blast getting Grammy time and I get a bit of a break, so win/win! And I know my mom eats it up too!
She is doing fabulous with her potty training! The only time she pees in her diaper is if I don't get her in panties right away in the morning. Otherwise, no accidents in panties at all! She still asks for a diaper to poop in and has had 1 poop accident. But she knows when she has to go and only had the accident because Daddy took too long to get her in a diaper. I told her I'm not buying more diapers, so when these are gone she has to poop in the potty. Mom let her sleep in her panties when she stayed overnight and she didn't have any accidents but I'm not feeling that brave yet! Especially since she sleeps in my bed!
We rearranged her room over the weekend. Her changing table is in the closet with dress up clothes and her doll house and baby dolls are in her room. We even hung a mirror and a bar in the corner so she has a dress up area complete with some of her favorite dresses hanging right there! She loves it and has been living in the same dress for almost a week now!
She starts dance class next week! I need to get her a leotard still, I can't find one small enough for her. She has a skirt and tap and ballet shoes. I need to get some new pink tights too but that's no big deal. I'm so excited to see her in her little dance clothes! It's all she's been talking baout for awhile now so I hope she loves it!