Saturday, July 31, 2010

About me!

Here you go, a little info about me: 

Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Tucked in on the bottom but out on the sides. I have to be able to stick my feet out the sides of the sheets.

Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No, but I might. :)

Do you like to use post-it notes?
Yes. But I don't have a need for them much anymore.
Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
Ha! When Mike goes to the store he always forgets to use the coupons I send him with. I always use them!

Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Oh wow, tough call. I'm very afraid of bees, but I grew up around bears and don't like them either. I guess I'd go with bees since I'm not allergic to them and a bear could take my head off.

Do you have freckles?
Does a bear poo in the woods? Yes, I have a LOT of freckles. I don't tan, I freckle!

Do you always smile for pictures?
I try to, but I hate pictures of myself most of the time.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
I have many! I hate when Mike leaves the closet light on. I hate bad drivers. I hate my dog howling in her cage or scratching at the back door. 
Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
I used too.
Do you ever dance even if there is no music playing?
Only with my kids.

What size is your bed?
Too small! Really, it's a queen but I want a king!

What is your Song of the week?
Queen of the waves from Kaelin's Barbie movie. Damn thing won't go away!
Whats your least favorite movie?
Napoleon Dynamite. Stupidest. Movie. Ever.
What is your favorite food?
Mmmmm, chinese. And sweets. And pizza. And BBQ chicken. And steak.

What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Princess and the Frog, Patch Adams, 50 First Dates, Center Stage.

Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
For a few years in MN.
Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Gross! No! 
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Can you change the oil on a car?
No but I can change a tire.
Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
No, but I have gotten lots of warnings.
Ran out of gas?
Yes, once.
Favorite kind of sandwich?
Grilled turkey and provolone. 
Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Bagel and strawberry cream cheese.
What is your usual bedtime?
11 or 12. 
Are you lazy?
I try, but my kids won't let me.
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
A cat, punk rocker, little girl, 50s girl, doctor.

Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
Legos, until you step on them barefoot.
Are you stubborn?
Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
Don't care about either one. 
Afraid of heights?
Not really. 
Sing in the car?
All the time.
Dance in the shower?
There's not much room, so not really. 

Dance in the car?
Ever used a gun?
Yes. I'm pretty good with them too.

Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Depends on the subject of said musical. 
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Vet, marine biologist, lawyer.

Do you believe in ghosts?
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
All the time.
First concert?
New Kids on The Block. 

Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
I love Target, but Wal-Mart is a necessary evil.
Nike or Adidas?

Cheetos Or Fritos?
Fritos if I have to choose. 
Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds with a Dr. Pepper.
Ever take dance lessons?
Yup, when I was in high school and college.

Is there a profession you picture your spouse doing?
Other then computers? No.

Own any record albums?
A lot.

Own a record player?
Yeah we have a cabinet record player in the hallway. Still works too!.
Regularly burn incense?

Ever been in love?
If I'm not I don't know what it is.
Who would you like to see in concert?
Hmmm, maybe...... ummmmm, can't think of anyone.

Hot tea or cold tea?
Cold peach tea, please.
Can you swim well?
Like a fish.
Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Yes, but I do it anyways. 
Are you patient?
Ha! Yeah right! Although Kaelin is really determined to teach me to be patient.
DJ or band, at a wedding?
Which are better black or green olives?
Yuck, neither!

Can you knit or crochet?
No, but I can sew, cross stitch and latch hook.
How long have you been married?
Pigs have been flying for 8 years.

Who was your HS crush?
Uhhhhh, I had many crushes.
Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
No I huff and puff and slam things.

Do you have kids?
A girl and a boy.
What’s your favorite color?
I'd say blue or purple, but if we're talking clothes I'd say black. It hides sweat. And puke.

Do you miss anyone right now?

All of my family up north.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Sean's 4 month WBV

I can't believe this little guy is 4 months old already! I took him in to see Dr Caffey today, actually he was there 2 days ago also for an irritated eye also. Anyways, my little moose is 16lbs10oz (85%!), 25 3/4in (80%) long and his head circumference is 16 1/4in. He's a moose! He did really well for his visit, was smiling and talking and grabbing onto things. She said we could stop his eye ointment since his eye looks better. We can start rice cereal but I think we'll wait a few weeks. I fed him some the other night and he ate it well but then was puking all night. Not fun! He loves his jumperoo and does really well in his Bumbo seat. He's just like his big sister and loves the water! He loves being on his belly and swimming in the tub or the pool. If I'm not in the bath with him he sits in a little seat and kicks his legs like crazy. So cute! And he rolled over from his back to his belly for the first time today! So proud!! Anyways, here's a picture of him from today. He crashed out after his shots so I took a picture of him sleeping in his carseat. I love this little squishy, chunky guy!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reorganizing the house (finally!)

Lately I feel like the kids toys and all our stuff have been overtaking my life! So I decided to finally do something about it and get organized. I decided to do one area a day and I started with the spice cabinet. Then yesterday I did the hall closet with all the arts and craft stuff. Today I got energized after church and did the whole kitchen! Reorganized the cabinets, the pantry, everything! I love the feeling of having order somewhere in the house! Up until now if I wanted to get zen I'd go to Sean's room since it's the only clean uncluttered room in the house right now. I still need to do Kaelin's room (she'll need some new furniture and stuff though), the living room (general reorganizing and decorating), the toy box area (!!!!), the laundry room and the master bedroom. Alot of stuff in the laundry room just needs to go to the garage when DH gets it cleaned, and the master bedroom has to be rearranged furniture wise and then all my craft stuff needs to be sorted (again !!!). The bathrooms and clothes closets aren't really that bad, I did those when I was nesting. Then DH just needs to do the garage and the office/game room. We have a relatively new house (3 years old) but we never got things the way we really wanted them so everything just got chaotic. We have alot of shelf building and decorating to do.  Plus I want to redo our family picture wall with some nicer frames. It's slow going, but I finally feel like we're getting closer to having a home and not just a house. I sure wish we concentrated more on that before having kids! 

Here's a link to some pics of my progress so far!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Naughty little boy!

Remember this u/s pic?

Yeah, well he's at it again!

I like to think he's saying "Tough little boys snuggle with bunnies their Mommy made them. If you don't like it, f off!"

Monday, July 5, 2010

Some of my stuff

I don't think I've really posted much about the things I've made recently. It started innocently enough- making a few hair clips for Kaelin. Then I did some bows, some outfits, bow holders, hats, tutus, hooded towels, binky clips, and recently sewing dresses. I love having a creative outlet, and even more being able to give things to people!

This kid lives in Princess dresses!

Case in point, this is Kaelin dressed up at McDonald's. That's right, folks, I let her go out in public like this.  I think it's important to pick your battles so as long as she's dressed, I don't care. I will, however, make sure I tell people she dressed herself! The dress she wore for her 3rd pictures is the one she normally wears, so this one was a nice change of scenery! And you can't go anywhere without lady shoes to complete the outfit!

The joys of having a potty trained kid

Kaelin just came and got me and told me she had to poop. Yippee! So I take her in the bathroom and get her all situated on the potty and she tells me "turn on the fan, Mommy, it's gonna stink!" Then she tells me to leave and shut the door along with "I'll call you when I'm done so you can wipe my booty!" Niiiice! But I'll take it over changing 3 year old diapers any day!

See and Spell Review

About a week or so I got a lovely little box on my front porch! I love that! Inside the box was a See & Spell by Melissa & Doug from So exciting, I love getting new, educational toys for Kaelin. Plus, anything Melissa & Doug is awesome! We were on our way out to run an errand but Kaelin and I were so excited that we had to put off leaving so we could check out the package!

If you missed my last post about ebeanstalk, lemme catch you up! They are an awesome website for great educational toys for 1 year olds, 2 year olds, and they even have super awesome baby toys! Win, win, win! All the items have descriptions that tell you what skill your kiddo will be working along with detailed safety information. Super awesome prices too, which means alot in this economy.

The See & Spell is a wooden puzzle set that teaches basic three and  four letter words with bright colored, solid-wood letters in the self correcting cut-outs on two-sided wooden boards. Kaelin was so excited when I opened the box and pulled it out. We have a few other Melissa & Doug toys that she plays with frequently, so she recognized the style right away. I love the wooden sets because they are well made and last a really long time, so I know Sean will be playing with this same set in a few years too. The eight word boards not only have the letters cut out, they also have a picture of the word on them. You also get a bunch of letters with this set! We hate toys that don't have enough letters to spell more then one word at a time. I like that the words are easily recognized and Kaelin knew what they were instantly. The possibilities are really endless with this set. Not only is it a puzzle, but your kiddo will learn their letters, the sounds of the letters, plus as your kiddo becomes more adept at language it will help them on the road to reading! It comes packaged with a card that has a bunch of different ideas for games to play with the See & Spell.

The only thing that frustrated Kaelin a little bit was that there are letters in the set that don't get used on the word boards, such as l, j, z, v and x. But I'm not too concerned about it since we can still use the letters to spell words on our own. I'm excited though that she figured that out on her own while I was reading the card that came with it. She said "Momma, these letters don't have anywhere to go!" before I even got a chance to play with it. So smart already! I think my favorite thing about the See & Spell is that it's so pretty in it's wooden box, that I don't mind it sitting out on the table in the living room! Bonus points! :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

3 months old and Kae's new hobby

Yesterday was Sean's 3 month birthday! Aww, it has gone by soo fast! Hard to believe that 3 years ago, when we were at this stage with Kaelin, it was the longest 3 months of our lives. Thank God Sean isn't colicky like Kae was. And sorry for the blurry pic, but Kaelin took it with my phone. That's her new obsession! And of course, all the pics she takes have to be sent to Daddy too. Yesterday he got a random picture of her strawberry milk and today it was a pic of Sean's ducky towel. A lot of times he gets really close pics of my eye or nose. Eh, whatever makes her happy! 

Sean is working really hard on some bottom teeth. He normally has his little hand crammed in his mouth chewing the heck out of his chubby fingers. And the amount of drool that comes out of him is insane! Kae wasn't really a drooler so I'm having to learn to keep a bib on the boy all the time. He's getting pretty good with his head and almost a hip baby. That'll make Momma's life so much easier. It's hard to get things done holding him like a newborn. He's trying to pull himself up from laying down like he's doing a sit-up. A lot of times I'll look at him in the carseat and he's holding his head up as far out of the seat as he can. Such a big man!

Kae had her last dance class of the first summer session. She did well this month but is not a fan of tap. So when it gets to that time of class she loses interest. We ended up leaving a little early because Miss Elise thought Kae may not be feeling well. But I learned in the car she just doesn't like to tap. Such a little drama queen! Can't expect any less from a kid that lives in princess dress though!