Friday, April 23, 2010

He's still perfect to me

We took little man in to the pedi today to have his belly button looked at. I've been noticing it looked funny and been very suspicious that he has an umbilical hernia. And, well, he does. She said she's not worried about it though because it is soft and reducable and should resolve on it's own by his second birthday. If not, then we may be looking at surgery to fix it. So he has a little defect, but I don't care, he's still my perfect little man! On the upside, he weighs right at 9 pounds now! That's a pound and a half he's gained in the last 10 days! Booby milk sure does a body good!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

He rolled over!

My little man has hit his first big milestone! Yesterday I had him on his comforter for tummy time. Slowly but surely he rolled from his tummy onto his back! He kinda did it in stages but he got there by himself! Of course he had motivation, he puked and was getting away from it. Poor kiddo. He's doing pretty well, still kinda pukey but that's normal. My mom came over this morning and we took the kids to the library for story time. Sean slept the whole time and Kaelin was pretty good. She was a little attention hog and kept putting on a show for everyone. I think she's been a little deprived lately. I had to drag her out kicking and screaming! Eventually I'll be able to take them by myself but I still am not supposed to pick Kaelin up so I appreciated the help.

Friday, April 16, 2010

2 week appointments

I'm a little late in posting this, but Sean and I had our 2 week checkups on Tuesday. Mine was first. everything is going well. I'm down to 131lbs (woohoo) and they removed the steri-strips from my incision. I can drive and carry the baby carrier with Sean in it now. I still can't pick Kaelin up, but I admit I have cheated a few times. But mostly just stuff like helping her in the carseat or getting her down from the table. I have to go back at 6 weeks to see Dr Files, then probably a few weeks later if I decide to get an IUD.

Sean's appointment went well also. He's up to 7lbs 9oz and 20 1/4in! My big little man! They took blood for his second newborn screen and he was very unhappy about that. He doesn't have to go back until 2 months for his next set of shots.

Mike took Kaelin grocery shopping while I was with Sean at his appointment. It was nice not to have to do the shopping for a change! I'm sure we spent more money that way but oh well, he did pretty good.

I think we're doing pretty well since Mike went back to work on Wednesday. We've been in bed by 9:30 every night and Mike's been up on time in the morning. Sean does pretty good through the night. Some nights he'll sleep longer stretches, but for the most part he's up every 2 hours or so. I try really hard to get him to sleep in the PNP all night but if he won't settle down I'll let him come snuggle with me. But that's normally not until the end of the night when I'm hardly able to keep my eyes open long enough to feed him.

He's been a little gassy and fussy lately. I've been trying to correct a forceful letdown and foremilk/hindmilk imbalance and it seems to be helping. I feel bad though because I didn't know about that with Kaelin so I'm wondering if she ever really had colic. Well, I better shower while little man is happy and Kaelin is occupied!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sean is here!

It's a good thing we finished Sean's room when we did because my water broke the next morning! Here is his official birth story along with some pics from the hospital.

Tuesday, March 30, I woke up at 8:30 with a wierd wet sensation. I didn't think much of it and rolled over to my left side to snuggle with Kaelin. When I did I had a cramp in my belly that wouldn't go away. I rolled back onto my right side and had a little gush. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom where I had some more cramping and another gush of fluid. I wasn't sure if this was my water breaking or not because nothing happened when I stood up. I went and sat back on the bed with Kaelin for a minute wondering what I should do. Then I ran to the bathroom again because I could feel another little gush coming. I called Mike and told him he should probably come home. I went in the bedroom and Kaelin was just waking up so I turned on her cartoons and told her I was going to take a shower. Luckily she accepted that well because I knew I shouldn't pick her up.

I went ahead and got int he shower, nowing it would be a few days before I'd get the oppurtunity again. While I was in the shower I heard my phone ring a few times. When I heard Mike's ringtone I asked Kaelin to bring me the phone. I told Mike I was in the shower and he said his mom was on her way over. She got there right after I got out of the shower. She took Kaelin and got her dressed while I finished getting ready to go. I packed the last few things in my hospital bag and grabbed the cameras. While we waited for Mike I went ahead and fed Kaelin her breakfast. Mike took one look at me when he got home and said, "Your water definately broke, you look alot smaller." I was still having some cramping every few minutes. We dropped Kaelin off with Aunt Colleen and headed to the hospital. Luckily Mike had thought to call the doctor so they were expecting us.

We got to the hospital and went up to the 4th floor. I got changed into my gown and they came to put the monitors on me. When I had one of the cramps I asked if it was showing as a contraction. The nurse said that it was and I was contracting every 2-3 minutes. Wow! Talk about fast! She checked me and said my water definately broke and I was already at 3cm and Sean's head was really low. Dr. Files came in and asked if I was feeling the contractions and I told her I was and they were starting to get more painful. She looked at my strip from the monitor and told me she definately wanted to do my c-section before the one she had at 12. It was already 11:50! This was happening really fast! I told Mike to hurry up and get back upstairs. They came and started my IV and then moved me over to labor and delivery. Once I got into my room my mom, sister, and Mike's mom all came in the room. I was really starting to feel my contractions and they were coming every minute or so. The nurse checked me again when I told her I was feeling pressure, I was already at 5cm! Mike got changed into his scrubs and got the camera and baby book ready. They got me prepped and wheeled me back for surgery.

The OR was really cold so they brought me some warm blankets. My doctor sat with me and held the blankets on my back and helped me breathe thorugh my contractions. The were calling Sean a tasmanian devil since my labor was progressing so fast! Finally the anesthesiologist showed up and placed my epidural. I was starting to shake with my contractions and I just had to remind myself they were the last ones I had to feel. Once I was numb they got me draped and brought Mike in the room. We were sitting and chatting about random stuff and the nurse was laughing at us. Pretty soon Dr. Files said, "It's almost baby time, get your camera Dad". Mike snapped the first picture and then Sean was crying. They said he was born at 1:26pm and was 6lbs 14.9oz and 19 in. I could tell his cries sounded a little wet and noticed it was taking awhile for them to call Mike over to see him. They said he was breathing fast and were going to take him to the nursery for observation. Mike brought him to see me before they left. He was so beautiful and peaceful looking! I heard the nurse say she was giving me some versed and felt very tired. My doctor said she was removing a 5mm cyst from near my right ovary and would send it of to pathology but thought it was normal.

The moved me back to my room in L&D to recover. After an hour or so theey let all our family back in but we didn't get Sean until about 5:30. He nursed like a champ right away! They told us to watch his color but that he was doing much better with his breathing. Both grandmas and all his aunts got to hold him before they moved us to post partum. They put me in a room that had two beds but assured me I wouldn't have a room mate. That was cool though because then Mike got to have a real bed to sleep in and not a fold out chair this time.

Sean did really well while we were in the hospital. He barely cried and slept really long stretches, even at night. Mike was able to stay with me the first two nights since his sister stayed over night with Kaelin. But during the day he was home with her for the most part. She got to come up and see baby brother a bunch though and finally warmed up to him really nicely. The nurse told me when she took him back to have his blood drawn for his newborn screen that he didn't even wake up when they had to poke his heel. He's seriously that laid back. They did his circumcision on Thursday and he handled that pretty well. He was almost asleep when he came back to the room so I fed him and let him crash. He slept for about 5 hours after that!

We got to come home on Friday. They said he passed his hearing test and was a low risk for jaundice. His discharge weight was 6lbs 6.1oz, so not bad. The nurse came in and took out my staples after I took a shower. We had to hang around a bit for them to take my vitals again and then I was discharged too! We loaded him up and took him home!

So far we're both doing pretty good at home. Mike is on vacation so he's been handling Kaelin while I handle Sean. He nurses well and sleeps fairly well. So much more laid back then Kaelin was. I'm praying he doesn't get colic and continues to be this well. I'm getting around pretty good and my pain has been manageable this time around. Mike and Kaelin both have allergies really bad and have been sick the last few days. But other then that, we're managing pretty well!