Friday, April 17, 2009


Yay!! It's Friday! That means it's movie night where we all pile on the pull out bed in the couch and stay up late watching movies. Of course I also look forward to the buttery popcorn and M&Ms.

Mike has the deck just about finished in the backyard. It just needs a few last things and stained. He bought a really pretty blue stain that looks really cool. I'm hoping he'll be able to finish with that this weekend so we can get the yard cleaned up. There's lumber scraps everywhere and the grass is getting really long. I think he said he may have to work this weekend though. Hopefully it's not another all night thing. They only have certain times they can can do major things without being penalised, and most times that's midnight Saturday night. He also has to finish his defensive driving for his speeding ticket. He was supposed to be done with that by the 15th so hopefully he can still finish and not be fined for it. I don't get why men wait until the very last minute to do things.

Kaelin's hand is starting to heal. We still have it bandaged because she freaks out when we take the bandage off. The third blister just doesn't want to pop and it's driving me nuts. I wish it would so it could heal and we could be done with it. Mike doesn't want to let her get in the swimming pool until it's all better and she's getting impatient. I think I might try just putting bandaids on her fingers today and see how she does with that. She normally hates bandaids but she's done really well with her whole hand bandaged so it's worth a shot. It's hard keeping her bandage clean because it gets into everything. I have to put a bag on her hand so she can eat and shower without messing it up. Which is fine, but bandaids will be so much easier to keep clean and change.

Kaelin is super excited because I told her we're going to pick up Carissa from school again today. We did that on Wednesday and the girls had so much fun. Lanette was home with a migraine and couldn't pick her up so Crystina called me. Kaelin keeps saying "I wanna get Rissa. She ride in backseat with me". It's funny the things they remember. We went all over town running errands and then came back here to play. But the one thing Kaelin is excited about is Carissa sitting with her in the car! Maybe I can get some stuff done around the house this afternoon since they keep each other busy.

My mom watched Kaelin yesterday so that Margret and I could run a few errands. I wanted to take my car to the dealership and get some warranty work done, but they didn't answer when I tried to find out how busy they were. We went to Hobby Lobby and my sister spent about an hour looking at scrapbooking stuff. I picked up a few things while we were there. I'm trying to decide if I want to do a craft fair with Katy in July. I've never done one so I would have alot of work to do to get ready. I would have to get tables and display stuff, plus build my inventory before then. It sounds like alot of fun but it's kind of overwhelming. Mike has been busy lately so I haven't exactly had alot of crafting time. Which totally makes me doubt getting enough stuff done to sell. I picked up some cardstock to put bows on and some little bags to put clippies in. I have so many different things I could do, but I think I'll stick with bows, clippies, crayon rolls and maybe some tutus. I found some fairy wings at the dollar store the other day that I could match with some tutus and sell them as a set. Ahhhh, I have to stop talking about this now, I'm getting anxious! :)

I guess I should get in the shower and get my butt moving.