Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

12w5d update

I saw Dr Rowe (peri) today for my 12 week screening u/s and bloodwork since my OB doesn't do it. Everything looks really good on the u/s and the nuchal fold measured at 1mm, so that looks perfectly normal. I was able to see the little face, hands, crossed legs, belly, stomach full of amniotic fluid, etc. The heartbeat was a wonderful 167 bpm. The tech asked if I wanted to know if he could tell what the baby is. Of course, I said yes! He told me it's only about 80% accurate at this point but that baby looks like a little boy! We have thought that from the beginning so I was not suprised at all! He said he could tell as soon as he started the u/s so I'm pretty sure it's right. When Dr. Rowe came in he said that they say 80% but he's showing off for us and he's going to say he's 80+% sure it's a boy. It was so neat getting to see that today, I was not expecting it at all! I called Mike on the way home and told him all about it. He's out of town for work so he missed it. I go back in 5 weeks for more bloodwork and then 6 weeks for another u/s. Plus I see my OB in 2 weeks for my next appt. I'm not sure if they'll still do an 18 wk u/s at their office or if they'll just go by the next one with Dr Rowe. I have a bunch of pics from today that I'll scan in at my Mom's tonight and post later!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I can't believe it's Sunday again already.

Mike was off on Friday so I was set for a fun and hectic weekend. We ran a bunch of errands and got a few things done before heading home. I started unloading and reloading the dishwasher to get my mess of a kitchen cleaned up. All of a sudden my right thumb went numb so I told Mike and he had me sit on the couch. By the time he came in the house my entire right hand was numb up to my elbow. I had these migraines when I was pregnant with Kaelin so atleast I knew what was coming. I had Mike call the doctor's office to see if they wanted me to go the ER like I have in the past to rule out a stroke. Whoever the doctor was on-call told me to take Tylenol and lay down and if it didn't help to go to the ER for something stronger. Mike's mom came over and hung out with them while I laid down for a while. When I got up I was feeling awful and was starting to go numb again. I had Mike call the doctor again to let them know we were going thinking they would call ahead and send us to the 4th floor again. Wrong! We sat in the ER just like everyone else. Luckily we got back pretty quick. They took all kinds of blood and urine samples and hooked me up to all kinds of machines. The PA came in and said it sounds like a classic migraine and he would give me some more Tylenol and Zofran. Great, thanks. So I sat in the horrible upright bed with the lights blaring for 5 hours to be told I had a slight UTI but could finally have a shot of Demerol and go home. It was almost 2am when my MIL dropped me off. Mike had Kaelin asleep on the couch finally so I went straight in to bed. I slept like crap though and then we had a crazy day of birthday parties yesterday. So my plan is to do pretty much nothing today. Well, except laundry and dishes, but nothing else!

Monday, September 14, 2009

10w4d OB appt.

I went in for my OB appt today. I ended up having to see the nurse because my doctor had to leave for a delivery. That could eventually be me, so I understand how that can happen.

My stats as of today:
Weight: 126 lbs. (down another 3 lbs.)
BP: 110/60
Baby HB: 155 bpm

I asked about switching to a prenatal that comes in a generic and they said that was fine. They didn't really have an opinion on my bruising so I'll ask about it again next time I see the doctor. She gave me a prescription for phenergan so hopefully that will help with my evening queeziness and my insomnia. I'm hoping for good sleep tonight! I got to hear the heart beat on the doppler for the first time! She had a hard time chasing it down, but once she did we could hear it really well. The nurse gave me a hard time about not getting a flu shot, but I just don't feel they are necesarry. None of us get them so I would rather not get one now. They said they'll have a swine flu one out soon but I am definately not getting that. She sent over orders to do the 12 week screening with Dr Rowe, so I'll call and see about that tomorrow. I have a very high deductible and am having to pay $330 a month for the next 6 months towards my retainer for Dr Files. So if this is going to be crazy expensive I'll have to skip it. We only have so much that can be contributed to the HSA a year and I need that to pay Dr Files off and Kaelin's ER bills. So we'll see.

I guess that's about all I have to report from this visit. I go back in 4 weeks.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Not much new around here

I know I haven't posted in a while. But, truth be told, as busy as I have been- I'm also incredibly boring. I haven't really gotten much of anything done around the house in forever. So today I threw in a few loads of laundry and cleaned up the kitchen. Mike needs to hang Kaelin's new fan in her room. Right now it's sitting on the kitchen table. I have my next OB appt tomorrow afternoon. Should be uneventful, I don't think there's anything special scheduled for it. I'm still feeling pretty crummy most days. By the time dinner rolls around, I really don't feel up to eating anything and that just makes me feel worse. Hopefully thins will all pass in a few weeks and I'll feel back to normal.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Public restrooms are not morning sickness friendly

It's no secret I haven't been feeling all that good lately. I spend the majority of my days on the couch watching Disney movies over and over again. I'm counting down the days until the first trimester passes and I feel human again.

So last night I had visions of fried potatoes and french toast for dinner. But I royally screwed up the potatoes so Mike decided we should go get his new boots and dinner. We stopped at Cracker Barrel and I decided I could stomach a salad. Wrong! I ended up in the bathroom puking my guts out. That is so gross, throwing up in a place hundreds of people put their butts. I did, however, feel slightly better afterwards, so I guess that's my silver lining.

After dinner we went to Cavender's to pick out Mike's new boots Kae and I were getting him for his birthday. He found exactly what he was looking for and we even had enough cash left over to get Kaelin a pair of pink cowboy boots! They are so cute! I'll have to take a picture of her in them later. She's really into dressing up right now so all she'll wear is princess dresses and high heels. That's alot of fun walking through Wal-Mart!

My step-dad had his prostate removed last Thursday. They said it looked like the cancer was contained but we should know for sure this week. He spent a few days down at UTMB and is at home now. So far he seems to be feeling pretty good. They had a size too small stockings on his feet though so they are pretty bruised and sore from the swelling. The doctor thought he had gout in hhis foot since the pain was so bad, but it turned out to just be the compression stalkings.

Mike is leaving work early today for a dentist appt. He ended up with an emergency root canal last week after breaking a tooth on vacation. More medical expenses. Speaking of, I got the bills from the hospital for both of Kaelin's emergency visits this year. Over $900 each. Yeah, it costs the same to have them look at her burned hand and put a bandage on it as it did for them to stitch her forehead. Nice. Oh well, that's what the HSA is for. But I have to pay off my OB retainer first so these will have to get a minimum payment until we start our HSA again next year.

I guess I better get in gear. I have to run to the store and get 60 bows made before Carissa's birthday party on the 13th. Eek!