Kaelin woke up Thursday morning at 3:30 puking all over me. We got her settled back in and she slept ok. We got up at around nine and hung out on the couch. I let her nurse a little bit and then she got up and started screaming her tummy hurt. I managed to get her to the bathroom in time for her to puke all over the sink. I took her to the ped and she said it's most likely a virus and to push clear liquids and take her to the ER if she continued to throw up. She seemed better and played all day with Carissa. Then she woke up shortly after I put her down for the night last night and puked again and was running a fever. I couldn't get her to take Tylenol for anything so we just watched it through the night. She seems to be feeling better and only urped up a little bit this morning. I've been feeding her easy foods like soup and toast and tonight we took her to get a popsicle from DQ. She's in the shower now and hopefully she won't puke at all tonight.
In other news, we leave for MN in a week! I'm excited but the OCD side of me is already packing in my mind. Actually, I started a packing list about a month ago so I wouldn't forget anything. I'm trying to figure out the best way to pack our luggage so we only have to check 1 bag now that they charge for luggage. What a rip off. I think I have it figured out so hopefully everything will fit like I'm planning. I'll have to pack a few more baby type supplies for Kae this time around since we'll be staying with my dad part of the time and he has no baby stuff what so ever. But it shouldn't be too bad, just stuff like her soap and lotion, etc. I would like to get out our new Toddler Patapum carrier and get her used to riding on Daddy's back because I think that's the only way we'll make it through the airport. Especially since we have to lug her carseat with us. Ugh, I'm dreading the actual traveling part of the trip, but I think it'll be worth it! I feel bad that Mike won't have any vacation time left to take for his birthday at the end of the month. Plus we'll be broke after the trip so I think he's bummed about not being able to get a big birthday present. We'll see though, I have some savings bonds I can cash in to use if I need to. It's so much harder for me to try and do gifts for him now that I'm not working. My paychecks used to be extra so I could get him whatever I wanted. Can't do that anymore.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Today is Thursday, right?
One thing about being a SAHM, I never know what day it is or the date. I'm constatly checking a calendar for the date and I have to think back on the week to figure out the day. Not that I'm complaining or anything. After working at the clinic for 6 years and writing the date on 50 million charts a day and counting down the days to Saturday, I feel a little out of touch with the real world. I'm sure once school starts for Kaelin, I'll look back a miss these clueless days.
Things are putting along around here. We have a to do list that's about a mile long and I don't see us checking anything off it any time soon. Let's see, to name a few things, we need to: finish staining the deck, finish the playhouse, get the office/game room organized and unpacked (including the closet), list the stuff Mike wants to sell on ebay, clean out the closet in the sewing/music room, empty out Kaelin's closet and pack away the clothes she's outgrown so I can actually use the bottom part of her closet, pack away toys she's outgrown including various bouncy seats and play mats, revamp the file cabinet and actually file away paid bills and paperwork to the house and car, finish hanging things on the wall in the living room, reorganize the kitchen cabinets so they are more user friendly, etc. They are all a weekend project but it seems like we have no free weekends.
Kaelin is continuing to amaze me every day. Her vocabulary is insanely huge and she carries on full conversations. Since Carissa has been here 3 days a week this summer, she has picked up even more things. She has a huge crush on our neighbor's little boy, Taylor. He is 7 and such a cutie. He comes over and rides his bike and colors with chalk with Kaelin. Last night he came in and played some video games while we finished up dinner. Kaelin was just smitten with him! Then he took her and Mike over to his house to jump on his trampoline. She had a blast! She kept calling it a trampolina, and was correcting us when we would say trampoline. After I got her to bed, she woke up and was asking for Taylor when I went in her room. So sweet!
The girls are watching Dragon Tales while I putz on the computer. I guess I should get moving before they get too bored.
Oh, I forgot to mention, Kaelin threw my cell phone in the pool yesterday. I saw her grab it and started yelling at her to put it down but she got to the pool before I got to her. I took it apart and let it dry and it seems to be working ok today even though I can still see water in the screen. I am eligible for an upgrade so I should just go to AT&T and get whatever free upgrade they have available. I was ready for a new phone anyways, but still!
Things are putting along around here. We have a to do list that's about a mile long and I don't see us checking anything off it any time soon. Let's see, to name a few things, we need to: finish staining the deck, finish the playhouse, get the office/game room organized and unpacked (including the closet), list the stuff Mike wants to sell on ebay, clean out the closet in the sewing/music room, empty out Kaelin's closet and pack away the clothes she's outgrown so I can actually use the bottom part of her closet, pack away toys she's outgrown including various bouncy seats and play mats, revamp the file cabinet and actually file away paid bills and paperwork to the house and car, finish hanging things on the wall in the living room, reorganize the kitchen cabinets so they are more user friendly, etc. They are all a weekend project but it seems like we have no free weekends.
Kaelin is continuing to amaze me every day. Her vocabulary is insanely huge and she carries on full conversations. Since Carissa has been here 3 days a week this summer, she has picked up even more things. She has a huge crush on our neighbor's little boy, Taylor. He is 7 and such a cutie. He comes over and rides his bike and colors with chalk with Kaelin. Last night he came in and played some video games while we finished up dinner. Kaelin was just smitten with him! Then he took her and Mike over to his house to jump on his trampoline. She had a blast! She kept calling it a trampolina, and was correcting us when we would say trampoline. After I got her to bed, she woke up and was asking for Taylor when I went in her room. So sweet!
The girls are watching Dragon Tales while I putz on the computer. I guess I should get moving before they get too bored.
Oh, I forgot to mention, Kaelin threw my cell phone in the pool yesterday. I saw her grab it and started yelling at her to put it down but she got to the pool before I got to her. I took it apart and let it dry and it seems to be working ok today even though I can still see water in the screen. I am eligible for an upgrade so I should just go to AT&T and get whatever free upgrade they have available. I was ready for a new phone anyways, but still!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Traveling stresses me out!
We're flying to MN next month for my brother's wedding. I'm trying to buy our tickets and rent a car today online. What a huge PITA! Priceline gave me a good price but when I try to buy it- it tells me it can't find my flights and to select other (more expensive) flights. I think I'm going to just get the flight through priceline and get the rental car directly from the rental company and use a 20% off coupon. We won't be able to pick up our car until Monday though, but that should be ok. We'll fit in Dad's car ok, we just want our own car because everyone else is heading to the wedding 2 days early and we're not. Dad sent us the money for the trip but now that it's all jacked up we're going to end up paying for some of it ourselves. Which is fine really. I'm just thankful Dad was willing to help us out with our flight.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Kae's not the baby of the family anymore
First Kaelin lost her title of baby of the family on my side when my nephew Jacob was born. She lost the title again today to our new nephew on Mike's side of the family. Baby Edward was born at 12:45 this morning after less then 2 hours of labor! We went and visited them this afternoon at the hospital. Kaelin was very upset that Mommy was holding another baby and was clinging to my leg the whole time. He's a cutie pie and such a quiet baby. They'll be discharged sometime Monday and I can't wait to get to see him again!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Fire Ants are the spawn of Satan
We went out to my sister's boyfriend's house for the fourth of July. They have a huge 6 acre private pond and a pool. They rented a huge inflatable slip and slide also. While we were there we were all eaten alive by stupid fire ants. My feet are still itching like crazy and all puffy from the little bites those damn evil creatures inflicted on me. But we had a great time and Kaelin played hard! She did not want to get off of the slip and slide. She even swam in the pond with Aunt Moogie and Daddy. They have a high diving board set up for the pond and Margret convinced me to jump with her. I haven't been off a diving board in years, let alone a high one. And I hate swimming in water that I can see has seaweed growing to the top and little fish swimming around. But I did and I guess it was fun, I swam to the dock and got out as quickly as I could though!
Mike finally got my shelves hung up in my craft room yesterday! So I spent a little bit of time in there last night organizing stuff into boxes and putting them on the shelves. I can almost get in there to make stuff again! Yay!
Mike finally got my shelves hung up in my craft room yesterday! So I spent a little bit of time in there last night organizing stuff into boxes and putting them on the shelves. I can almost get in there to make stuff again! Yay!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
First dance class
Today was our first Mommy and Me dance class! Kaelin looked so cute in her little dance clothes! She wore one of the very first tutus I made for her when I was learning how to sew. So I'm pretty much happy that it stayed on her body and didn't fall apart. She was the only one in the class so her attention span was pretty much nothing. She had to much room to herself to run. Hopefully some more kiddos will sign up or the class will be canceled. Anyways, Mommy got a cardio work out chasing her around the studio. Here's some pics of Kae before we left for class.
She was dancing in this one.

More interested in her toys then leaving for class.

The bow on her tutu. So cute! But I have to say, my bow skills have come a long way from this!
She was dancing in this one.
More interested in her toys then leaving for class.
The bow on her tutu. So cute! But I have to say, my bow skills have come a long way from this!
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