Sunday, March 29, 2009

We're off...well, almost

We're flying out tomorrow morning at 7:15 for CO. I'm super excited but dreading the 4am wake up that is required. Blech! Oh well, hopefully Kaelin (and me!) will sleep on the plane. I'm taking my video camera but not my digital camera. Margret and Mom will both take their's so there's no need for me to pack mine too. I finally got everything all packed today, which has been super stressfull. I hate packing for a trip because I'm a checker, so I have to check everything about 10 times. I have had a horrible nauseating headache all weekend, probably from stress. We went to Build A Bear yesterday and Daddy helped Kae make a horse to take with us. I thought that would be a fun thing for her to have when she's missing Daddy. Of course, I'm worried about her losing it on the plane or in the airport so I came right home and made a tether thing to attach to the horse and her jacket out of rainbow ric rac a suspender clips. Hopefully it'll work.

We went to CVS today and I got some Dramamine for me and some children's sized Sea Bands for Kaelin. Hopefully they'll work and she'll leave them on. I really hope she doesn't have any problems with motion sickness or pressure problems with her ears. The elevation is really high where we're going, so I hope that doesn't pose a problem either.

Kaelin was playing with her cousin Cassie the other day. Apparently she was about to fall and Cass had to catch her. But when she did, her thumbnail scratched Kae's nose. So now she has a huge scab on the side of her nose. Something like that always happens when there is a potential for photo ops, doesn't it? Ahh, such is life I guess. She's in that clumsy and too brave for her own good phase and is constantly falling and bruising or banging up some body part. I find new ones every day, but then again I find new ones all over me as well.

I am exhausted and feel like crud so I think I'm going to give Kae her bath and head to bed early. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow!

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