Monday, May 4, 2009

Terrible 2s + teething + learning about independance = 1 frustrated Mommy

I have been telling Mike that Kaelin is going through the "terrible twos" for quite awhile now. Throws herself on the floor over not getting to wear exactly the shirt she wants to wear (even though she refuses to decide when given the choice), fighting nap time, not listening to me in public, etc. Today she proved me right. I had to run to Hobby Lobby to see what colors of 1.5 inch ribbon they stock for an order I got for some bows. While we were there Kae refused to sit in the cart, wouldn't walk holding my hand, pulled everything off the shelves, ran away from me, and threw one hell of a fit when I had to spank her for being bad. If I grabbed her hand to make her walk with me she'd yell "my ARM! Mommy hurting me!" Add that to the bandaids covering her right hand (from the burn) and down her leg (making a fashion statement) I'm sure I looked like a great mother. In my defense I picked up everything she destroyed and left the store in pretty decent shape. I had to give her some tylenol this morning because she has more teeth coming in, so I'm sure that didn't help any. Plus, she's learning what it's like to be independant. She threw a fir in the car because she wanted to change her shoes. Fine, I handed her the other ones. Then she couldn't get the sandals buckled so I had to try to help her. BUt then she would get frustrated because she couldn't get it on her own. I had to fight screaming out of frustration because I know she is frustrated too and it wouldn't help for her to see me break down. I just tried to gently remind her that buckling shoes is hard and sometimes even big girls need help. She wants to do so many things by herself now and forgets she's only 22 months old. She's a bit stubborn like her mom though.

My mom tells me that when I was little my favorite thing to say was "I can if I can" meaning I should be allowed to do anything I was physically capable of. Well, Kaelin is starting to have the same kind of attitude. Yesterday we were swimming and Kae wanted to sit in her chair on the deck. She tried to drag it over to the other side of the ladder and Mike told her she couldn't sit there because she could fall off the side of the deck. So she proceeded to sit down in her chair and put her feet up on the higher part of the deck and tell Mike "I sit in my chair Daddy". My mom looked at me and started laughing. Yeah, I'm in for it, I know. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's just a phase and she'll outgrow it (right??). All I have to do is keep my cool and try to survive the next few years. Then I can send her to her room when I need to!

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