Thursday, June 25, 2009

2 year appointment stats

I took Kaelin for her 2 year checkup and shots yesterday. As soon as we got to the doctors' office she was upset. She has seen way too much of them for traumatic things lately! She weighed in at 22lbs 10oz (5%) and was 33.25 inches (20-50%) and her head was 47cm. The doctor said she seems to be growing fine and isn't worried about her being small at all. She got one vaccine that she missed at 18 months due to an outage and will go back Monday for the other shot she's due for. She did ok for the appointment but did not like the doctor touching her. She kept pushing her hand away and even told her "Go out that door" a few times. Such a booger! I think she is doing exceptionally well with her milestones for her age also.

Here's some of the things she's doing:

Speaking and understanding very complex sentances.
Has a huge vocabulary.
Counts to 10.
Knows all of her colors and animals (by sight and sound).
Swims with only arm floaties and no assistance from us.
She's starting to draw and can almost get a circle drawn by herself.
Knows a handful of basic shapes (square, circle, triangle and star).
Walks and runs forwards and backwards with no assistance and rarely falls.
Feeds herself with a fork and spoon very well. Also uses straws and drinks out of glasses and bottles (water, coke, etc) without spilling too much.
Climbs into her booster seat and carseat by herself.
Puts her shoes on by herself.
She's capable of making simple choices like what she wants to wear or eat.
Loves putting together shape puzzles.

Now I just have to get her weaned and sleeping through the night!


Anonymous said...

OMG she told the doctor to leave the room! that is such a kae thing to say! AWW such a cutie!!! I just can not get past how smart she is for her age!

Sarah Kelly said...

Yup, she pushed her hand away and told her to leave the room. Of course when she was done, she told her "thank you doctor"! She's such a polite little brat! :)