Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Kaelin!

(I know I'm a few days late posting this, but it's been busy around here!)

Friday was my sweet princess' birthday. I can't believe it's already been 2 years, the time has gone by amazingly fast. Friday I took her to Jumpin' Jungle and she had a blast! That has really become her favorite place to go, she loves all the moonwalks and slides. There was a little boy there with his dad and he quickly became attached to Kaelin. He followed her all over the place and kept talking to her and trying to hold her hand. We went to get a drink and he threw a fit because we were leaving the room. It was pretty cute, normally Kaelin is the one that gets attached. He did break her heart though when she asked for the ball he was playing with and he told her no. She came running to me and said "Him said no to me Mommy" and started crying. It was so pitiful. Friday night we went to Wal-Mart to pick up her birthday present, a new big girl bed! It's a really cute toddler bed and it matches her other furniture perfectly! She's so excited and loves it! So far she hasn't slept any better in it, but I figure we'll work on it once things settle down this week.

Saturday we had her party. We rented a moonwalk and had all the family over. There weren't as many kids this year as last year though. One of her friends was home sick, another is in the hospital with MRSA and another was spending the day with his daddy before he left town again. But I think she had a good time! I made a huge pot of spaghetti and meatballs since that's her favorite dinner. And I did go with the cupcakes and it worked out really well. I only have a few left in the fridge. She did pretty well this year with presents too! She got a bunch of PJs and a few outfits, a Muno guitar (she loves it!), a princess table, a new art easel, an aqua doodle, sidewalk chalk, books, a Mrs. Potatoe Head, board puzzles, a coloring book, and a new bathtub boat toy. It's a good thing I just cleaned out the toy box and her clothes! Now I just have to pack up the clothes and toys and crib and store them away.

Today is Father's Day so we're heading over to my parents for a late lunch then over to Mike's parents. I guess I should get my butt in the shower.

Baby Kaelin June 19, 2007 10:01pm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWW! the party was so much fun! i cant believe she is 2 already!