Monday, September 14, 2009

10w4d OB appt.

I went in for my OB appt today. I ended up having to see the nurse because my doctor had to leave for a delivery. That could eventually be me, so I understand how that can happen.

My stats as of today:
Weight: 126 lbs. (down another 3 lbs.)
BP: 110/60
Baby HB: 155 bpm

I asked about switching to a prenatal that comes in a generic and they said that was fine. They didn't really have an opinion on my bruising so I'll ask about it again next time I see the doctor. She gave me a prescription for phenergan so hopefully that will help with my evening queeziness and my insomnia. I'm hoping for good sleep tonight! I got to hear the heart beat on the doppler for the first time! She had a hard time chasing it down, but once she did we could hear it really well. The nurse gave me a hard time about not getting a flu shot, but I just don't feel they are necesarry. None of us get them so I would rather not get one now. They said they'll have a swine flu one out soon but I am definately not getting that. She sent over orders to do the 12 week screening with Dr Rowe, so I'll call and see about that tomorrow. I have a very high deductible and am having to pay $330 a month for the next 6 months towards my retainer for Dr Files. So if this is going to be crazy expensive I'll have to skip it. We only have so much that can be contributed to the HSA a year and I need that to pay Dr Files off and Kaelin's ER bills. So we'll see.

I guess that's about all I have to report from this visit. I go back in 4 weeks.

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