Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The ups and downs of potty training

So we're potty training...sorta. We're taking the approach of not pushing her but not ignoring her signs either. So far if she is either naked or in panties she'll do  great job of telling us she needs to go on the potty. Yesterday she had 2 accidents though. One at my mom's and one outside in our driveway. Both times I think the excitement of the situation distracted her. So from now on I think we'll only have panty time when we are home and inside close to the potty. After her 2nd accident we came in the house and she peed 3 different times on the potty. I don't know how she had so much in her bladder, but she did. So she now has 11 start stickers on her potty chart! Not bad for only working on it a few weeks. It's so great seeing her get excited when she realises that she peed on the potty all by herself! She squeals and claps and then flushes the toilet and runs out of the room squealing. The downside to it is I can no longer ignore it when she says she wants to sit on the potty. So some nights we're in their stripping down 4 or 5 times before she actually does anything. But it's progress and I would love it if she's fully trained before April. Diapers aren't cheap!

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