Thursday, December 10, 2009

23w appointment

I had another routine appointment today. Weight is up to 133 lbs, BP was normal, fundal height measured at 23cm (perfect!) and the baby had a good strong heart beat. My doctor wants me to gain more weight, but I really think a pound a week is pretty good. I go back in 4 weeks for another check up and my glucose tolerance test. They offered both flu vaccines but I declined them. Dr Files said that if I am exposed to anyone with the flu to call her right away so I can get started on Tamiflu within the first 12-48 hours. So, pretty routine stuff. When I got home I saw I had an email about a giveaway I entered to win $500 worth of 0-3 month baby boy clothes- I won! Yay! It's only 15 pieces because it is boutique type stuff, but free is free!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEAH you won and I won!!! SO COOL FOR US!!!!