Sunday, May 2, 2010

1 month already!

I can't believe that a month has already passed since I delivered Sean. I am in awe and a little disbelief still that I am actually a mother of two little human beings. It's been hard adjusting, but I think we're doing really well. In fact I think it's helped Mike and I to come closer together. It's almost that now we each have one to care for so we get each other a bit better. He's really been chipping in and taking the majority of the responsibility of tending to Kaelin when he's home. It's really allowing me to focus on Sean and get his needs taken care of since he requires so much hands on right now. I think it also has given him a better idea of what I deal with on a day to day basis by having Kaelin so attached to him these last few weeks. She's really become a Daddy's girl, it's quite amusing since she's always been attached to my hip.

Sean has already rolled from his belly to his back! Actually, he did it for the first time about a week or so ago. He was having tummy time in his room and slowly made his way onto his back. I was so proud until I realized he threw up and was probably just trying to get away from it! He's trying to use his voice other then crying too. It's so cute to see him move his mouth and try to get something to come out. He's swinging at his toys when he's on his little mat thing too. And he's getting much better control of his wobbly head and spastic arms!

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