Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas and stuff
I'm actually sorta relieved that the holidays are over. I love them and spending time with family, but it's so much stress and chaos. I don't like stress and chaos. The night before Christmas Eve I got another one of my freaky migraines. Mike and Kaelin took such good care of me, it was so cute! Kaelin helped rub lotion on my feet and belly and laid with me to make sure I was allright. Mike finished up some last minute shopping on Christmas Eve while I stayed home and took a nap. We had super yummy chili dinner at my Mom's and got to open all our presents. Kaelin got princess dresses, crowns, some stickers and coloring stuff, and a swing set! Mike and I got another set of our dishes and a carpet shampooer. Christmas day was hectic as always. We got Kae up to open her presents but she acted like she oculdn't have cared less about them. It was like pulling teeth getting her to open them all! She got more dresses, lady shoes, dolls, a car toy, princess pajamas, etc. We rushed over to Mike's mom's house for brunch and opened more presents then went home for a quick break. Dinner at my mom's was good as usual. Nice and relaxing but we did end up having to leave earlier then planned because Mike was getting calls from work. Last night Kaelin spent the night throwing up every hour for a few hours. 3 sheet changes and a sleepless night later she seems to be feeling better but has a bit of a fever still today. Mike is feeling a little yucky today as well so hopefully I won't get the same stomach bug. Mike didn't get his car fixed this weekend so I guess I'll be without a car all week again. I guess we'll just take it easy and get some more projects done around the house.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Ahhh, peace and quiet
The last week has been crazy! we have been getting ready for Christmas and I have been nesting something crazy! I have bagged clothes, linens, toys, garbage, etc until I was up to my eyeballs! But it feels so good to have the clutter GONE! Now Sean's room is still a wreck because my sewing stuff is still in there plus all the stuff he's inhereting from Kaelin is in their for now. But the majority of the house is great! Mike has to finish the garage, organize the game room and the laundry room. I have to reorganize the kitchen cabinets still and get our files in order. But for the most part I am good!
Last Wednesday I took Kaelin to the doctor for a UTI. That was traumatic! She wouldn't pee in the potty so they had to cath her, but they took so long to do it that they didn't get much because she peed in her diaper int he meantime. So she screamed and broke blood vessels all around her eyes for a tiny bit of pee. They said she did have a UTI and gave me a script ut wanted a bigger sample. I tried to get her to pee in the potty and tried putting the sterile collection bag on her. No go. She was sore from the cath and cried everytime she peed for the next few hours and was not going to voluntarily pee for us. So I waited a day and then started the meds. Now she's 5 days into the meds and starting to tell me to change her diaper when it's dry again. I don't know if she's getting a yeast infection too or if the meds aren't helping. So I'm waiting for a call back on what to do. I know they'll want more urine but it just isn't going to happen and there's no way they'll be able to cath her again without sedation. So if they want to see her again Mike is going to have to take a sick day tomorrow and go with me.
Carissa is here today and she's reading Kae a book in the living room. It's so nice to have a few minutes of relative silence. I guess I should get things ready to make brownies. I promised we would do that after lunch and it's only a matter of time before they remember. :)
Last Wednesday I took Kaelin to the doctor for a UTI. That was traumatic! She wouldn't pee in the potty so they had to cath her, but they took so long to do it that they didn't get much because she peed in her diaper int he meantime. So she screamed and broke blood vessels all around her eyes for a tiny bit of pee. They said she did have a UTI and gave me a script ut wanted a bigger sample. I tried to get her to pee in the potty and tried putting the sterile collection bag on her. No go. She was sore from the cath and cried everytime she peed for the next few hours and was not going to voluntarily pee for us. So I waited a day and then started the meds. Now she's 5 days into the meds and starting to tell me to change her diaper when it's dry again. I don't know if she's getting a yeast infection too or if the meds aren't helping. So I'm waiting for a call back on what to do. I know they'll want more urine but it just isn't going to happen and there's no way they'll be able to cath her again without sedation. So if they want to see her again Mike is going to have to take a sick day tomorrow and go with me.
Carissa is here today and she's reading Kae a book in the living room. It's so nice to have a few minutes of relative silence. I guess I should get things ready to make brownies. I promised we would do that after lunch and it's only a matter of time before they remember. :)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
23w appointment
I had another routine appointment today. Weight is up to 133 lbs, BP was normal, fundal height measured at 23cm (perfect!) and the baby had a good strong heart beat. My doctor wants me to gain more weight, but I really think a pound a week is pretty good. I go back in 4 weeks for another check up and my glucose tolerance test. They offered both flu vaccines but I declined them. Dr Files said that if I am exposed to anyone with the flu to call her right away so I can get started on Tamiflu within the first 12-48 hours. So, pretty routine stuff. When I got home I saw I had an email about a giveaway I entered to win $500 worth of 0-3 month baby boy clothes- I won! Yay! It's only 15 pieces because it is boutique type stuff, but free is free!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Starting to feel very overwhelmed
For some reason I am feeling very stressed today. I'm looking around the house seeing all the things we need to do to get baby ready (and just declutter our lives in general) and I realise I have no idea where to start. I guess what I need to do is sit down and make a list of to-do's and just try to get something small checked off every day. Some of the main things are going through Kaelin's toys. She has way too much stuff and there is no way we can fit any Christmas presents in with all the stuff she already owns. I think I'm going to be brutal with that one too. Alot of stuff is going, like all the little happy meal toys and the 50,000 little Barbie pieces she has. Stuffed animals are going to be drastically downsized as well. She has a ton and doesn't even play with them, they are taking up room in her closet. If I can get rid of those then I can move her changing table into the closet once she's potty trained and she'll have more floor room in her room. I really want to reclaim my room and my bathroom from kiddo too. It was convenient when she was little to have a basket of toys in there to occupy her while I shower, but now more of her stuff is in there then my stuff. And I think her toothbrush and bath stuff needs to be done in her own bathroom more regularly. I know she loves my big bathtub but it's always full of toys. Plus she always grabs my candles and stuff and tries to play with them in the bath. I would love atleast one room in the house where I can go and just have adult stuff. Another big project I want to accomplish is getting all the closets and cabinets reorganized so they are a little more efficient. We have really tall cabinets in the kitchen and some of them aren't even being used. We have very little counter space in the kitchen so I need to better organize everything in there. Our master closet is a huge mess. I need to sort thorugh all the extra sheets and blankets and get rid of stuff we don't use. Not to mention, Mike's side of the closet is a wreck. He has clothes thrown all over the floor and he doesn't even use his dresser, all his clothes are on the built in shoe shelves in the closet. So he needs to get rid of a ton of clothes so our closet is clean. Then I can put the trunk at the foot of our bed in the closet with all the linens in it to clear up room in our bedroom. I think staying on top of keeping things organised is going to be our big challenge but I really think getting rid of a bunch of crap will make it so much easier. Maybe then the everday tasks won't seem so overwhelming.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
What a week!
I will be so happy to see this week over and done with! Kaelin has had hand, foot and mouth disease all week. So I've been afraid to take her anywhere even though it's not that bad. I would feel awful if someone caught it from her and got it really bad- sores in the mouth, fever, diarrhea, etc. So we've pretty much been hanging out in the house watching movies and stuff. Mike left yesterday for a work trip and won't be home until tomorrow night. So after I got him all packed up Tuesday night I was laying on the couch with Kaelin. I picked up my left arm to do something with Kaelin and realised my arm felt funny. Sure enough, within a few minutes my left arm, leg and half of my face was numb. Then my head started throbbing. Ugh, so not the time for a migraine to kick in. So my head has been throbbing for 2 days now, but luckily Kae has been pretty good. I guess I should get moving.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
18w5d update
Tuesday was a big day for us! We saw Dr Rowe, the peri, this morning for the follow up u/s from the integrated screening. Everything looks great with the baby! 100% definately positive it is a boy! We were able to get great shots of the head, face, stomach, toes, legs, hands, heart, etc. We got a few good profile shots and a bunch of shots of his penis. We even got a picture of him flipping us the bird! He's in trouble already! He's measuring a few days ahead at 19w even so that is good. Kaelin was always behind, so I'm sure he's going to be a little bigger then she was. He was moving all over the place and the tech had to keep chasing him down. They said the placenta is not close to my c-section scar but is covering the front and top of my uterus. So no big suprise I'm not feeling anything definite yet. All the bloodwork for any genetic issues came back negative. We waited for a little over an hour so Kaelin was kind of burned out by the time we got called back. But, overall, she did good.
After lunch I went back for my regular appointment with Dr Files, my OB/GYN. My weight is up to 129 lbs, so almost back to where I started at. Blood pressure was good at 100/60 and I assume my u/a was clear. We discussed circumcision and she said she does it in the hospital before discharge. That's realy good because I've heard of a few doctors waiting a few weeks to do them. I go back in 4 weeks and then we'll do the GTT at 28 weeks and schedule our c-section. So everything is looking great and we're just plugging along!
Being Naughty!
I'm all BOY!
Stretching his long legs
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Doing some catching up
I have been really bad about updating this blog. Things have been going okay around here for the most part. We're just plugging along. I can't believe I'm almost halfway through this pregnancy, it is going by way too fast! Mike is on vacation for the next week and we have alot going on. Monday Kaelin goes to the dentist for the first time. I figure that's a Daddy job since I can't go with her for x-rays. So I'm thinking it'll go smoother if I'm not there so she can't beg for me. Plus I have an appointment with the angel I call my chiropractor. I haven't been since Kae was born and I am feeling the pain big time. I want to find out if my insurance will cover the massage therapist there so I can go back to weekly massages to get through this pregnancy. If not, I guess adjustments alone are better then nothing. Plus I've met my yearly deductible so I may as well take advantage if it is covered! Tuesday we see Dr Rowe to get the resluts of all the genetic bloodwork and another u/s! I'm excited for this one and we'll have to have it taped. Then in the afternoon I see Dr Files for my monthly checkup. Other then those appointments, Mike wants to spend a bunch of time doing fun things with Kaelin all week. I want to go through Kaelin's toys while they're out of the house one day and narrow done her stuff. She has way too many things for a 2 year old!
I'm feeling pretty good so far, aside from the back pain. We've passed the point where I started being able to feel Kaelin move and so far, nothing this time around. But I blame that on the anterior placenta and I'm not too worried about it. I'm not too terribly big yet either. I mean, I feel huge, but I can still wear normal clothes and if you didn't know I was pregnant you probably wouldn't guess it. I have worn my favorite maternity jeans a few times but mostly just because they are comfy. But I'm always pulling them up and it drives me nuts! Mike's christmas party is next month and I need to get a dress. But I guess I'll wait until it gets closer so I don't buy the wrong thing. I don't want to wear something that looks too small, and I don't want to buy a full on maternity dress meant for later if I will be swimming in it. I figure I'll hit up Motherhood when it gets a few weeks out.
Well, dinner should be ready soon so I better get the kitchen straightened up a little.
I'm feeling pretty good so far, aside from the back pain. We've passed the point where I started being able to feel Kaelin move and so far, nothing this time around. But I blame that on the anterior placenta and I'm not too worried about it. I'm not too terribly big yet either. I mean, I feel huge, but I can still wear normal clothes and if you didn't know I was pregnant you probably wouldn't guess it. I have worn my favorite maternity jeans a few times but mostly just because they are comfy. But I'm always pulling them up and it drives me nuts! Mike's christmas party is next month and I need to get a dress. But I guess I'll wait until it gets closer so I don't buy the wrong thing. I don't want to wear something that looks too small, and I don't want to buy a full on maternity dress meant for later if I will be swimming in it. I figure I'll hit up Motherhood when it gets a few weeks out.
Well, dinner should be ready soon so I better get the kitchen straightened up a little.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Pics!
Kaelinhad so much fun trickor treating last night! Thisis the first year she really got what the concept was and was super excited about going to get candy. I had a hard time getting her dressed though. She wanted to wear her princess lady shoes and I told her it was way too cold for them. Then I tried getting her black tights on bu she nixed that idea too. Luckily I was able to sneak her ears in her piggies without her noticing! Our neighborhood is the perfect size for her age, so by the time we ran out of houses, she was done. And so was Mommy since I ended up carrying her most of the way! We walked with our neighbors so Kae had her friend Taylor with her. They were so cute! She kept holding his hand and walking with him. She was pretty sugared up by the time we got home so her 9:00 bedtime was out the window. She ended up coming into bed with me and fell asleep watching Aladdin on the iPod after about 15 minutes. Here's some pics of my Minnie Mouse!
What do you mean this candy is for other kids?
But the Nerds are my favorite!
Just scored!
How we did most of our T or T'ing.
Monday, October 26, 2009
All it takes is a little chocolate ice cream
I discovered a few days ago that I am no longer producing milk. Yay, right? Well, it would be except Kaelin doesn't care if she gets milk or not. She's all about the comfort latch. I have been weaning her lately and I consider this a big step, I was afraid she'd nurse until I delivered and then push the baby out of the way to nurse. But now I know that won't happen. I don't feel so mean telling her no since I know she's not getting anything. Bedtime has been going well. She has some milk and cuddle time before bed. Then we all go to bed and she falls asleep watching a movie on the ipod. Soon I'll get rid of the ipod, but for now it works. Not much luck getting her to sleep in her own bed still but most nights she's in bed with us she sleeps all night! Yay! All I want is sleep right now, I don't care how I get it. She still has a huge interest in my boobs, wants to hug and kiss them and tells me they are her babies and she loves them. So today I decided we would do naptime with out nursing. Now this is a huge deal because other then a car ride, nursing is the only way I can get her down for a nap. So I let her pick out one of her old binkies thinking she would like something to suck on while we snuggled. She played with it but wasn't satisfied. So we went and layed in bed like we do for bed. I gave her some milk and the ipod. 2 hours later I was cranky and she was still wide awake. So I gave up and got out some ice cream. She has ice cream sensors and came running right away. I shared thinking she would stay awake through the evening and we could all go to bed early. Mike got home a few minutes later and sat on the couch with her while he played a video game. Next thing I know he's telling me she crashed. Maybe tomorrow I'll just start with ice cream.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Trunk or Treat
Yesterday we took Kaelin to Trunk or Treat at a local church. They had free food, a moonwalk, a pumpking patch, people in costume, face painting, and a fire demo from the fire dept. When it got dark they had people's cars lined up in the parking lot with their trunks decorated handing out candy. She seemed to have fun. But she refused to wear her mouse ears so I don't think anyone knew she was supposed to be Minnie Mouse. Oh well. I forgot to take our camera so my sister's friend took a few pics for us. If they're any good I'll post them when I get them.
Kaelin has been having temper tantrums like crazy lately. I just don't know what to do about them, nothing seems to help. We took her to Target yesterday to get a few things. She wanted to run around and hide in the clothes racks and do whatever she wanted. I told her she either needed to sit in the basket or let my sister carry her. She said she wanted to hold my hand and walk. I let her, then she kept pulling away from me and running off. People were looking at me like I was a horrible mother and I think I scared the ladies in the maternity dept. Finally my sister took my wallet to check out my stuff so I could take Kaelin to the car. She threw such a fit and was trying to get out of my arms. I swear people thought I was kidnapping her the way she was screaming. I finally forced her into her carseat and got her calmed down. I told her that she was not going to be able to use the iPod the rest of the weekend but I'm not sure she gets it. It's getting to were I don't want to take her tot hte store by myself anymore.
Kaelin has been having temper tantrums like crazy lately. I just don't know what to do about them, nothing seems to help. We took her to Target yesterday to get a few things. She wanted to run around and hide in the clothes racks and do whatever she wanted. I told her she either needed to sit in the basket or let my sister carry her. She said she wanted to hold my hand and walk. I let her, then she kept pulling away from me and running off. People were looking at me like I was a horrible mother and I think I scared the ladies in the maternity dept. Finally my sister took my wallet to check out my stuff so I could take Kaelin to the car. She threw such a fit and was trying to get out of my arms. I swear people thought I was kidnapping her the way she was screaming. I finally forced her into her carseat and got her calmed down. I told her that she was not going to be able to use the iPod the rest of the weekend but I'm not sure she gets it. It's getting to were I don't want to take her tot hte store by myself anymore.
Monday, October 12, 2009
14w4d doctor appointment
Mike was off today so he got to go with me to my appointment today. So far everything is good. I'm down another 1/2lb so I got quizzed over my diet. Dr Files also told me that I had +1 ketones in my urine so I need to really drink up some water. Nothing to be worried about yet, just cautioning me. My blood pressure was normal and the baby's heartbeat was in the 160's. We discussed my anterior placenta and whether it would move or cause any problems with the c-section. Luckily, it should be fine since it's not low, just in the front. She said they normally move up some as the uterus grows. She seems open to working with us on scheduling the c-section to where we don't use up all of Mike's vacation time in the hospital too. If we do it on Thursday or Friday then we would be home Sunday or Monday, so that would be good. We'll schedule that at around 28 weeks so she said just to remind her about that then. She didn't give me a hard time about not getting the flu shot, so I was happy about that. I had blood drawn for the cystic fibrosis test while I was there. I hate getting blood drawn! I go back in 4 weeks to see her for a regular appointment and to see Dr Rowe (peri) for the next u/s. The appointments are at 10:30 and 1:55 so I'll have to take Mike and Kaelin home and have lunch in between. I'm excited to take Kaelin to the appt. so she can see her baby brother too! That should be pretty cool for her!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The ups and downs of potty training
So we're potty training...sorta. We're taking the approach of not pushing her but not ignoring her signs either. So far if she is either naked or in panties she'll do great job of telling us she needs to go on the potty. Yesterday she had 2 accidents though. One at my mom's and one outside in our driveway. Both times I think the excitement of the situation distracted her. So from now on I think we'll only have panty time when we are home and inside close to the potty. After her 2nd accident we came in the house and she peed 3 different times on the potty. I don't know how she had so much in her bladder, but she did. So she now has 11 start stickers on her potty chart! Not bad for only working on it a few weeks. It's so great seeing her get excited when she realises that she peed on the potty all by herself! She squeals and claps and then flushes the toilet and runs out of the room squealing. The downside to it is I can no longer ignore it when she says she wants to sit on the potty. So some nights we're in their stripping down 4 or 5 times before she actually does anything. But it's progress and I would love it if she's fully trained before April. Diapers aren't cheap!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Hello 2nd trimester!
Thursday I hit 13 weeks so I am now in the second trimester! Yay! The best news is that I'm starting to feel alot better. I haven't thrown up in atleast a week and the queezies seem to be easing up. In other news, Kaelin is starting to sleep a little better at night. Some nights I actually get an 8 hour stretch out of her. Too bad I'm up to go to the bathroom a few times a night. I've been looking at bedding and furniture somewhat. I've found a few cute things I like but haven't settled on anything just yet. Well, I guess we're off for another busy weekend of running errands.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
12w5d update
I saw Dr Rowe (peri) today for my 12 week screening u/s and bloodwork since my OB doesn't do it. Everything looks really good on the u/s and the nuchal fold measured at 1mm, so that looks perfectly normal. I was able to see the little face, hands, crossed legs, belly, stomach full of amniotic fluid, etc. The heartbeat was a wonderful 167 bpm. The tech asked if I wanted to know if he could tell what the baby is. Of course, I said yes! He told me it's only about 80% accurate at this point but that baby looks like a little boy! We have thought that from the beginning so I was not suprised at all! He said he could tell as soon as he started the u/s so I'm pretty sure it's right. When Dr. Rowe came in he said that they say 80% but he's showing off for us and he's going to say he's 80+% sure it's a boy. It was so neat getting to see that today, I was not expecting it at all! I called Mike on the way home and told him all about it. He's out of town for work so he missed it. I go back in 5 weeks for more bloodwork and then 6 weeks for another u/s. Plus I see my OB in 2 weeks for my next appt. I'm not sure if they'll still do an 18 wk u/s at their office or if they'll just go by the next one with Dr Rowe. I have a bunch of pics from today that I'll scan in at my Mom's tonight and post later!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I can't believe it's Sunday again already.
Mike was off on Friday so I was set for a fun and hectic weekend. We ran a bunch of errands and got a few things done before heading home. I started unloading and reloading the dishwasher to get my mess of a kitchen cleaned up. All of a sudden my right thumb went numb so I told Mike and he had me sit on the couch. By the time he came in the house my entire right hand was numb up to my elbow. I had these migraines when I was pregnant with Kaelin so atleast I knew what was coming. I had Mike call the doctor's office to see if they wanted me to go the ER like I have in the past to rule out a stroke. Whoever the doctor was on-call told me to take Tylenol and lay down and if it didn't help to go to the ER for something stronger. Mike's mom came over and hung out with them while I laid down for a while. When I got up I was feeling awful and was starting to go numb again. I had Mike call the doctor again to let them know we were going thinking they would call ahead and send us to the 4th floor again. Wrong! We sat in the ER just like everyone else. Luckily we got back pretty quick. They took all kinds of blood and urine samples and hooked me up to all kinds of machines. The PA came in and said it sounds like a classic migraine and he would give me some more Tylenol and Zofran. Great, thanks. So I sat in the horrible upright bed with the lights blaring for 5 hours to be told I had a slight UTI but could finally have a shot of Demerol and go home. It was almost 2am when my MIL dropped me off. Mike had Kaelin asleep on the couch finally so I went straight in to bed. I slept like crap though and then we had a crazy day of birthday parties yesterday. So my plan is to do pretty much nothing today. Well, except laundry and dishes, but nothing else!
Monday, September 14, 2009
10w4d OB appt.
I went in for my OB appt today. I ended up having to see the nurse because my doctor had to leave for a delivery. That could eventually be me, so I understand how that can happen.
My stats as of today:
Weight: 126 lbs. (down another 3 lbs.)
BP: 110/60
Baby HB: 155 bpm
I asked about switching to a prenatal that comes in a generic and they said that was fine. They didn't really have an opinion on my bruising so I'll ask about it again next time I see the doctor. She gave me a prescription for phenergan so hopefully that will help with my evening queeziness and my insomnia. I'm hoping for good sleep tonight! I got to hear the heart beat on the doppler for the first time! She had a hard time chasing it down, but once she did we could hear it really well. The nurse gave me a hard time about not getting a flu shot, but I just don't feel they are necesarry. None of us get them so I would rather not get one now. They said they'll have a swine flu one out soon but I am definately not getting that. She sent over orders to do the 12 week screening with Dr Rowe, so I'll call and see about that tomorrow. I have a very high deductible and am having to pay $330 a month for the next 6 months towards my retainer for Dr Files. So if this is going to be crazy expensive I'll have to skip it. We only have so much that can be contributed to the HSA a year and I need that to pay Dr Files off and Kaelin's ER bills. So we'll see.
I guess that's about all I have to report from this visit. I go back in 4 weeks.
My stats as of today:
Weight: 126 lbs. (down another 3 lbs.)
BP: 110/60
Baby HB: 155 bpm
I asked about switching to a prenatal that comes in a generic and they said that was fine. They didn't really have an opinion on my bruising so I'll ask about it again next time I see the doctor. She gave me a prescription for phenergan so hopefully that will help with my evening queeziness and my insomnia. I'm hoping for good sleep tonight! I got to hear the heart beat on the doppler for the first time! She had a hard time chasing it down, but once she did we could hear it really well. The nurse gave me a hard time about not getting a flu shot, but I just don't feel they are necesarry. None of us get them so I would rather not get one now. They said they'll have a swine flu one out soon but I am definately not getting that. She sent over orders to do the 12 week screening with Dr Rowe, so I'll call and see about that tomorrow. I have a very high deductible and am having to pay $330 a month for the next 6 months towards my retainer for Dr Files. So if this is going to be crazy expensive I'll have to skip it. We only have so much that can be contributed to the HSA a year and I need that to pay Dr Files off and Kaelin's ER bills. So we'll see.
I guess that's about all I have to report from this visit. I go back in 4 weeks.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Not much new around here
I know I haven't posted in a while. But, truth be told, as busy as I have been- I'm also incredibly boring. I haven't really gotten much of anything done around the house in forever. So today I threw in a few loads of laundry and cleaned up the kitchen. Mike needs to hang Kaelin's new fan in her room. Right now it's sitting on the kitchen table. I have my next OB appt tomorrow afternoon. Should be uneventful, I don't think there's anything special scheduled for it. I'm still feeling pretty crummy most days. By the time dinner rolls around, I really don't feel up to eating anything and that just makes me feel worse. Hopefully thins will all pass in a few weeks and I'll feel back to normal.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Public restrooms are not morning sickness friendly
It's no secret I haven't been feeling all that good lately. I spend the majority of my days on the couch watching Disney movies over and over again. I'm counting down the days until the first trimester passes and I feel human again.
So last night I had visions of fried potatoes and french toast for dinner. But I royally screwed up the potatoes so Mike decided we should go get his new boots and dinner. We stopped at Cracker Barrel and I decided I could stomach a salad. Wrong! I ended up in the bathroom puking my guts out. That is so gross, throwing up in a place hundreds of people put their butts. I did, however, feel slightly better afterwards, so I guess that's my silver lining.
After dinner we went to Cavender's to pick out Mike's new boots Kae and I were getting him for his birthday. He found exactly what he was looking for and we even had enough cash left over to get Kaelin a pair of pink cowboy boots! They are so cute! I'll have to take a picture of her in them later. She's really into dressing up right now so all she'll wear is princess dresses and high heels. That's alot of fun walking through Wal-Mart!
My step-dad had his prostate removed last Thursday. They said it looked like the cancer was contained but we should know for sure this week. He spent a few days down at UTMB and is at home now. So far he seems to be feeling pretty good. They had a size too small stockings on his feet though so they are pretty bruised and sore from the swelling. The doctor thought he had gout in hhis foot since the pain was so bad, but it turned out to just be the compression stalkings.
Mike is leaving work early today for a dentist appt. He ended up with an emergency root canal last week after breaking a tooth on vacation. More medical expenses. Speaking of, I got the bills from the hospital for both of Kaelin's emergency visits this year. Over $900 each. Yeah, it costs the same to have them look at her burned hand and put a bandage on it as it did for them to stitch her forehead. Nice. Oh well, that's what the HSA is for. But I have to pay off my OB retainer first so these will have to get a minimum payment until we start our HSA again next year.
I guess I better get in gear. I have to run to the store and get 60 bows made before Carissa's birthday party on the 13th. Eek!
So last night I had visions of fried potatoes and french toast for dinner. But I royally screwed up the potatoes so Mike decided we should go get his new boots and dinner. We stopped at Cracker Barrel and I decided I could stomach a salad. Wrong! I ended up in the bathroom puking my guts out. That is so gross, throwing up in a place hundreds of people put their butts. I did, however, feel slightly better afterwards, so I guess that's my silver lining.
After dinner we went to Cavender's to pick out Mike's new boots Kae and I were getting him for his birthday. He found exactly what he was looking for and we even had enough cash left over to get Kaelin a pair of pink cowboy boots! They are so cute! I'll have to take a picture of her in them later. She's really into dressing up right now so all she'll wear is princess dresses and high heels. That's alot of fun walking through Wal-Mart!
My step-dad had his prostate removed last Thursday. They said it looked like the cancer was contained but we should know for sure this week. He spent a few days down at UTMB and is at home now. So far he seems to be feeling pretty good. They had a size too small stockings on his feet though so they are pretty bruised and sore from the swelling. The doctor thought he had gout in hhis foot since the pain was so bad, but it turned out to just be the compression stalkings.
Mike is leaving work early today for a dentist appt. He ended up with an emergency root canal last week after breaking a tooth on vacation. More medical expenses. Speaking of, I got the bills from the hospital for both of Kaelin's emergency visits this year. Over $900 each. Yeah, it costs the same to have them look at her burned hand and put a bandage on it as it did for them to stitch her forehead. Nice. Oh well, that's what the HSA is for. But I have to pay off my OB retainer first so these will have to get a minimum payment until we start our HSA again next year.
I guess I better get in gear. I have to run to the store and get 60 bows made before Carissa's birthday party on the 13th. Eek!
Monday, August 24, 2009
First U/S pictures!
Today was my first ultrasound appointment. I have to admit that I was totally freaking out that they were going to tell me I was having twins. But, it's just 1 healthy little bean! The doctor said that I am measuring exactly one week behind but she isn't going to change my due date just yet. She wants me to talk to my doctor next month when I go back in and see what she wants to do about it. She may even wait until my 18 week u/s. I figured I was a little behind what they were saying because I have long cycles, so I'm not suprised at all. Anyways, enough babble, here's the pics of my little blob!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Kaelin is going to be a big sister!
I'm so excited to finally be able to share the news! I found out 2 weeks ago that I am pregnant again! We told family while we were on vacation but I wanted to wait until we went to the doctor to tell publically. So yesterday morning we saw Dr Files and I had all kinds of bloodwork and stuff done. I should find out the results of all that tomorrow and then be able to schedule our first u/s. Right now they are estimating I am due on April 8, 2010 but it can (and probably will) change with the u/s. Kaelin seems to be taking the news well, hopefully that will be the case in April. So far I feel pretty good, a little queesy but nothing too bad. We justgot back into town Sunday night so I still have a lot of laundry and house cleaning to get done. The trip was wonderful, the wedding was beautiful, but we are so glad to be home!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Signing off for a week
We head out this afternoon for my brother's wedding in MN. I'm actually packed and feel ready to go instead of being filled with the dreadful feeling I'm forgetting something. I'm so excited for Kaelin to get to meet her great-grandparents and the rest of my family! And of course for my big brother's wedding! I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures and videos to post when we get back!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Kaelin and I made cupcakes this last weekend. This is the first cooking project I have really let her help with. Normally she plays with the pots and pans and pretends to cook. I was smart though, and stripped her down to her diaper and put an "apron" on her. She had so much fun being a big girl and mixing all the ingrediants together. And especially, licking the beater!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Having a sick kid sucks
Kaelin woke up Thursday morning at 3:30 puking all over me. We got her settled back in and she slept ok. We got up at around nine and hung out on the couch. I let her nurse a little bit and then she got up and started screaming her tummy hurt. I managed to get her to the bathroom in time for her to puke all over the sink. I took her to the ped and she said it's most likely a virus and to push clear liquids and take her to the ER if she continued to throw up. She seemed better and played all day with Carissa. Then she woke up shortly after I put her down for the night last night and puked again and was running a fever. I couldn't get her to take Tylenol for anything so we just watched it through the night. She seems to be feeling better and only urped up a little bit this morning. I've been feeding her easy foods like soup and toast and tonight we took her to get a popsicle from DQ. She's in the shower now and hopefully she won't puke at all tonight.
In other news, we leave for MN in a week! I'm excited but the OCD side of me is already packing in my mind. Actually, I started a packing list about a month ago so I wouldn't forget anything. I'm trying to figure out the best way to pack our luggage so we only have to check 1 bag now that they charge for luggage. What a rip off. I think I have it figured out so hopefully everything will fit like I'm planning. I'll have to pack a few more baby type supplies for Kae this time around since we'll be staying with my dad part of the time and he has no baby stuff what so ever. But it shouldn't be too bad, just stuff like her soap and lotion, etc. I would like to get out our new Toddler Patapum carrier and get her used to riding on Daddy's back because I think that's the only way we'll make it through the airport. Especially since we have to lug her carseat with us. Ugh, I'm dreading the actual traveling part of the trip, but I think it'll be worth it! I feel bad that Mike won't have any vacation time left to take for his birthday at the end of the month. Plus we'll be broke after the trip so I think he's bummed about not being able to get a big birthday present. We'll see though, I have some savings bonds I can cash in to use if I need to. It's so much harder for me to try and do gifts for him now that I'm not working. My paychecks used to be extra so I could get him whatever I wanted. Can't do that anymore.
In other news, we leave for MN in a week! I'm excited but the OCD side of me is already packing in my mind. Actually, I started a packing list about a month ago so I wouldn't forget anything. I'm trying to figure out the best way to pack our luggage so we only have to check 1 bag now that they charge for luggage. What a rip off. I think I have it figured out so hopefully everything will fit like I'm planning. I'll have to pack a few more baby type supplies for Kae this time around since we'll be staying with my dad part of the time and he has no baby stuff what so ever. But it shouldn't be too bad, just stuff like her soap and lotion, etc. I would like to get out our new Toddler Patapum carrier and get her used to riding on Daddy's back because I think that's the only way we'll make it through the airport. Especially since we have to lug her carseat with us. Ugh, I'm dreading the actual traveling part of the trip, but I think it'll be worth it! I feel bad that Mike won't have any vacation time left to take for his birthday at the end of the month. Plus we'll be broke after the trip so I think he's bummed about not being able to get a big birthday present. We'll see though, I have some savings bonds I can cash in to use if I need to. It's so much harder for me to try and do gifts for him now that I'm not working. My paychecks used to be extra so I could get him whatever I wanted. Can't do that anymore.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Today is Thursday, right?
One thing about being a SAHM, I never know what day it is or the date. I'm constatly checking a calendar for the date and I have to think back on the week to figure out the day. Not that I'm complaining or anything. After working at the clinic for 6 years and writing the date on 50 million charts a day and counting down the days to Saturday, I feel a little out of touch with the real world. I'm sure once school starts for Kaelin, I'll look back a miss these clueless days.
Things are putting along around here. We have a to do list that's about a mile long and I don't see us checking anything off it any time soon. Let's see, to name a few things, we need to: finish staining the deck, finish the playhouse, get the office/game room organized and unpacked (including the closet), list the stuff Mike wants to sell on ebay, clean out the closet in the sewing/music room, empty out Kaelin's closet and pack away the clothes she's outgrown so I can actually use the bottom part of her closet, pack away toys she's outgrown including various bouncy seats and play mats, revamp the file cabinet and actually file away paid bills and paperwork to the house and car, finish hanging things on the wall in the living room, reorganize the kitchen cabinets so they are more user friendly, etc. They are all a weekend project but it seems like we have no free weekends.
Kaelin is continuing to amaze me every day. Her vocabulary is insanely huge and she carries on full conversations. Since Carissa has been here 3 days a week this summer, she has picked up even more things. She has a huge crush on our neighbor's little boy, Taylor. He is 7 and such a cutie. He comes over and rides his bike and colors with chalk with Kaelin. Last night he came in and played some video games while we finished up dinner. Kaelin was just smitten with him! Then he took her and Mike over to his house to jump on his trampoline. She had a blast! She kept calling it a trampolina, and was correcting us when we would say trampoline. After I got her to bed, she woke up and was asking for Taylor when I went in her room. So sweet!
The girls are watching Dragon Tales while I putz on the computer. I guess I should get moving before they get too bored.
Oh, I forgot to mention, Kaelin threw my cell phone in the pool yesterday. I saw her grab it and started yelling at her to put it down but she got to the pool before I got to her. I took it apart and let it dry and it seems to be working ok today even though I can still see water in the screen. I am eligible for an upgrade so I should just go to AT&T and get whatever free upgrade they have available. I was ready for a new phone anyways, but still!
Things are putting along around here. We have a to do list that's about a mile long and I don't see us checking anything off it any time soon. Let's see, to name a few things, we need to: finish staining the deck, finish the playhouse, get the office/game room organized and unpacked (including the closet), list the stuff Mike wants to sell on ebay, clean out the closet in the sewing/music room, empty out Kaelin's closet and pack away the clothes she's outgrown so I can actually use the bottom part of her closet, pack away toys she's outgrown including various bouncy seats and play mats, revamp the file cabinet and actually file away paid bills and paperwork to the house and car, finish hanging things on the wall in the living room, reorganize the kitchen cabinets so they are more user friendly, etc. They are all a weekend project but it seems like we have no free weekends.
Kaelin is continuing to amaze me every day. Her vocabulary is insanely huge and she carries on full conversations. Since Carissa has been here 3 days a week this summer, she has picked up even more things. She has a huge crush on our neighbor's little boy, Taylor. He is 7 and such a cutie. He comes over and rides his bike and colors with chalk with Kaelin. Last night he came in and played some video games while we finished up dinner. Kaelin was just smitten with him! Then he took her and Mike over to his house to jump on his trampoline. She had a blast! She kept calling it a trampolina, and was correcting us when we would say trampoline. After I got her to bed, she woke up and was asking for Taylor when I went in her room. So sweet!
The girls are watching Dragon Tales while I putz on the computer. I guess I should get moving before they get too bored.
Oh, I forgot to mention, Kaelin threw my cell phone in the pool yesterday. I saw her grab it and started yelling at her to put it down but she got to the pool before I got to her. I took it apart and let it dry and it seems to be working ok today even though I can still see water in the screen. I am eligible for an upgrade so I should just go to AT&T and get whatever free upgrade they have available. I was ready for a new phone anyways, but still!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Traveling stresses me out!
We're flying to MN next month for my brother's wedding. I'm trying to buy our tickets and rent a car today online. What a huge PITA! Priceline gave me a good price but when I try to buy it- it tells me it can't find my flights and to select other (more expensive) flights. I think I'm going to just get the flight through priceline and get the rental car directly from the rental company and use a 20% off coupon. We won't be able to pick up our car until Monday though, but that should be ok. We'll fit in Dad's car ok, we just want our own car because everyone else is heading to the wedding 2 days early and we're not. Dad sent us the money for the trip but now that it's all jacked up we're going to end up paying for some of it ourselves. Which is fine really. I'm just thankful Dad was willing to help us out with our flight.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Kae's not the baby of the family anymore
First Kaelin lost her title of baby of the family on my side when my nephew Jacob was born. She lost the title again today to our new nephew on Mike's side of the family. Baby Edward was born at 12:45 this morning after less then 2 hours of labor! We went and visited them this afternoon at the hospital. Kaelin was very upset that Mommy was holding another baby and was clinging to my leg the whole time. He's a cutie pie and such a quiet baby. They'll be discharged sometime Monday and I can't wait to get to see him again!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Fire Ants are the spawn of Satan
We went out to my sister's boyfriend's house for the fourth of July. They have a huge 6 acre private pond and a pool. They rented a huge inflatable slip and slide also. While we were there we were all eaten alive by stupid fire ants. My feet are still itching like crazy and all puffy from the little bites those damn evil creatures inflicted on me. But we had a great time and Kaelin played hard! She did not want to get off of the slip and slide. She even swam in the pond with Aunt Moogie and Daddy. They have a high diving board set up for the pond and Margret convinced me to jump with her. I haven't been off a diving board in years, let alone a high one. And I hate swimming in water that I can see has seaweed growing to the top and little fish swimming around. But I did and I guess it was fun, I swam to the dock and got out as quickly as I could though!
Mike finally got my shelves hung up in my craft room yesterday! So I spent a little bit of time in there last night organizing stuff into boxes and putting them on the shelves. I can almost get in there to make stuff again! Yay!
Mike finally got my shelves hung up in my craft room yesterday! So I spent a little bit of time in there last night organizing stuff into boxes and putting them on the shelves. I can almost get in there to make stuff again! Yay!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
First dance class
Today was our first Mommy and Me dance class! Kaelin looked so cute in her little dance clothes! She wore one of the very first tutus I made for her when I was learning how to sew. So I'm pretty much happy that it stayed on her body and didn't fall apart. She was the only one in the class so her attention span was pretty much nothing. She had to much room to herself to run. Hopefully some more kiddos will sign up or the class will be canceled. Anyways, Mommy got a cardio work out chasing her around the studio. Here's some pics of Kae before we left for class.
She was dancing in this one.

More interested in her toys then leaving for class.

The bow on her tutu. So cute! But I have to say, my bow skills have come a long way from this!
She was dancing in this one.
More interested in her toys then leaving for class.
The bow on her tutu. So cute! But I have to say, my bow skills have come a long way from this!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Did you get your tickets to the gun show?

They're right over there!
That's Kaelin's new game she plays at the dinner table. She started that last night out of the blue, I guess she heard Mike saying that one night and remembered it. We saw her pointing to the window and saying "They're over there" over and over and finally we realised what she was doing. Now she does it and just cracks up laughing when it makes us laugh. Silly girl!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Could use some prayers and positive thoughts
This isn't exactly what I would like to blog about, but it's the hand we've been dealt. Friday we got the call that my step-father, John, has prostate cancer. So far that's all we know. He goes in tomorrow for a CT scan and a bone scan to see if it has spread to anywhere else in his body. He doesn't get the results of those tests until the 7th. Which I find sick that he has to wait that long to find out how bad it is, but I guess that's how it works. I was over there today and he seems pretty upbeat about it all. He was saying he wasn't going to let it get to him. I guess I'll update when I know more, but in the meantime I'll take any prayers or positive thoughts anyone has to offer.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Birthday pics are coming
I know I haven't posted any pics from Kae's birthday yet. But we got a new Mac awhile ago and Mike uploaded all the pics to it. I haven't had the time to play with it yet, but I need to upload the pics from it. So as soon as I figure out how to do it, I will! I also need to reschedule her birthday portraits. I was waiting to see how her scar would heal but it's slow going so I guess we'll just have to have 2nd birthday pics with the scar.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
2 year appointment stats
I took Kaelin for her 2 year checkup and shots yesterday. As soon as we got to the doctors' office she was upset. She has seen way too much of them for traumatic things lately! She weighed in at 22lbs 10oz (5%) and was 33.25 inches (20-50%) and her head was 47cm. The doctor said she seems to be growing fine and isn't worried about her being small at all. She got one vaccine that she missed at 18 months due to an outage and will go back Monday for the other shot she's due for. She did ok for the appointment but did not like the doctor touching her. She kept pushing her hand away and even told her "Go out that door" a few times. Such a booger! I think she is doing exceptionally well with her milestones for her age also.
Here's some of the things she's doing:
Speaking and understanding very complex sentances.
Has a huge vocabulary.
Counts to 10.
Knows all of her colors and animals (by sight and sound).
Swims with only arm floaties and no assistance from us.
She's starting to draw and can almost get a circle drawn by herself.
Knows a handful of basic shapes (square, circle, triangle and star).
Walks and runs forwards and backwards with no assistance and rarely falls.
Feeds herself with a fork and spoon very well. Also uses straws and drinks out of glasses and bottles (water, coke, etc) without spilling too much.
Climbs into her booster seat and carseat by herself.
Puts her shoes on by herself.
She's capable of making simple choices like what she wants to wear or eat.
Loves putting together shape puzzles.
Now I just have to get her weaned and sleeping through the night!
Here's some of the things she's doing:
Speaking and understanding very complex sentances.
Has a huge vocabulary.
Counts to 10.
Knows all of her colors and animals (by sight and sound).
Swims with only arm floaties and no assistance from us.
She's starting to draw and can almost get a circle drawn by herself.
Knows a handful of basic shapes (square, circle, triangle and star).
Walks and runs forwards and backwards with no assistance and rarely falls.
Feeds herself with a fork and spoon very well. Also uses straws and drinks out of glasses and bottles (water, coke, etc) without spilling too much.
Climbs into her booster seat and carseat by herself.
Puts her shoes on by herself.
She's capable of making simple choices like what she wants to wear or eat.
Loves putting together shape puzzles.
Now I just have to get her weaned and sleeping through the night!
2 icons lost in 1 day
Wow, I can't believe that both Farrah Fawcet and Michael Jackson died today. Not that I was the biggest fan of either, but still. They were both huge icons to their generations. Everyone in America (if not the world) has seen the famous red bathing suit poster and heard of the King of Pop. They will both be missed.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday Kaelin!
(I know I'm a few days late posting this, but it's been busy around here!)
Friday was my sweet princess' birthday. I can't believe it's already been 2 years, the time has gone by amazingly fast. Friday I took her to Jumpin' Jungle and she had a blast! That has really become her favorite place to go, she loves all the moonwalks and slides. There was a little boy there with his dad and he quickly became attached to Kaelin. He followed her all over the place and kept talking to her and trying to hold her hand. We went to get a drink and he threw a fit because we were leaving the room. It was pretty cute, normally Kaelin is the one that gets attached. He did break her heart though when she asked for the ball he was playing with and he told her no. She came running to me and said "Him said no to me Mommy" and started crying. It was so pitiful. Friday night we went to Wal-Mart to pick up her birthday present, a new big girl bed! It's a really cute toddler bed and it matches her other furniture perfectly! She's so excited and loves it! So far she hasn't slept any better in it, but I figure we'll work on it once things settle down this week.
Saturday we had her party. We rented a moonwalk and had all the family over. There weren't as many kids this year as last year though. One of her friends was home sick, another is in the hospital with MRSA and another was spending the day with his daddy before he left town again. But I think she had a good time! I made a huge pot of spaghetti and meatballs since that's her favorite dinner. And I did go with the cupcakes and it worked out really well. I only have a few left in the fridge. She did pretty well this year with presents too! She got a bunch of PJs and a few outfits, a Muno guitar (she loves it!), a princess table, a new art easel, an aqua doodle, sidewalk chalk, books, a Mrs. Potatoe Head, board puzzles, a coloring book, and a new bathtub boat toy. It's a good thing I just cleaned out the toy box and her clothes! Now I just have to pack up the clothes and toys and crib and store them away.
Today is Father's Day so we're heading over to my parents for a late lunch then over to Mike's parents. I guess I should get my butt in the shower.
Friday was my sweet princess' birthday. I can't believe it's already been 2 years, the time has gone by amazingly fast. Friday I took her to Jumpin' Jungle and she had a blast! That has really become her favorite place to go, she loves all the moonwalks and slides. There was a little boy there with his dad and he quickly became attached to Kaelin. He followed her all over the place and kept talking to her and trying to hold her hand. We went to get a drink and he threw a fit because we were leaving the room. It was pretty cute, normally Kaelin is the one that gets attached. He did break her heart though when she asked for the ball he was playing with and he told her no. She came running to me and said "Him said no to me Mommy" and started crying. It was so pitiful. Friday night we went to Wal-Mart to pick up her birthday present, a new big girl bed! It's a really cute toddler bed and it matches her other furniture perfectly! She's so excited and loves it! So far she hasn't slept any better in it, but I figure we'll work on it once things settle down this week.
Saturday we had her party. We rented a moonwalk and had all the family over. There weren't as many kids this year as last year though. One of her friends was home sick, another is in the hospital with MRSA and another was spending the day with his daddy before he left town again. But I think she had a good time! I made a huge pot of spaghetti and meatballs since that's her favorite dinner. And I did go with the cupcakes and it worked out really well. I only have a few left in the fridge. She did pretty well this year with presents too! She got a bunch of PJs and a few outfits, a Muno guitar (she loves it!), a princess table, a new art easel, an aqua doodle, sidewalk chalk, books, a Mrs. Potatoe Head, board puzzles, a coloring book, and a new bathtub boat toy. It's a good thing I just cleaned out the toy box and her clothes! Now I just have to pack up the clothes and toys and crib and store them away.
Today is Father's Day so we're heading over to my parents for a late lunch then over to Mike's parents. I guess I should get my butt in the shower.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I won something!!
My friend over at LoveToShopMom had a giveaway week to celebrate her birthday. I entered the contest to win this carseat cover and I won it! Yay! I've never won any of the contests I've entered before so I'm pretty excited!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sweet score at the grocery store!
Sunday night was grocery shopping night. I normally sit down and make my weekly menu based on the sale paper and what coupons I have. It's become like a game to me to try and see how little I can get stuff for. I spent $46 and came home with 9 dinners! Here's what's on the menu for this week:
BBQ chicken
~Corn on the cob
~Garlic Shells
Hamburger Helper
~French bread
~Ceaser salad
Grilled cheese sandwiches
~Tomato soup
~Fruit cocktail
~Homemade french fries
~Sauteed onions
~Mashed potatoes
Cheese steak sandwiches
~Fresh fruit
Lemon pepper chicken breasts
Hamburger helper
So I'm pretty pleased with myself. I'll need to run to the store for milk again at some point during the week. And I'll have to go get the stuff for Kaelin's birthday party probably Friday night. We're planning on making her favorite dinner, spaghetti, for Saturday night. I'll probably run to Wal-Mart and get their industrial size spaghetti sauce, I don't think Kroger's has very big ones and I don't want to buy 5 little bottles. I guess I'll make a few pounds of meatballs also. Kaelin like it's better that way because then I can give her sauce without any meat in it, otherwise I have to try to pick out the ground beef. Friday I think I'll make some cupcakes so she can have a birthday cupcake with 2 candles in it on her birthday. And I still have to figure out what I'm going to do for her birthday cake. Krogers doesn't have an Abby Cadabby cake so I think I'll check Wal-Mart otherwise I guess I'll make the cake myself. Or I could just do a bunch of cupcakes in Abby Cadabby colors. Hmmmm, that sounds good. Then I'm not stuck with leftover cake, I'll just send cupcakes home with everyone.
BBQ chicken
~Corn on the cob
~Garlic Shells
Hamburger Helper
~French bread
~Ceaser salad
Grilled cheese sandwiches
~Tomato soup
~Fruit cocktail
~Homemade french fries
~Sauteed onions
~Mashed potatoes
Cheese steak sandwiches
~Fresh fruit
Lemon pepper chicken breasts
Hamburger helper
So I'm pretty pleased with myself. I'll need to run to the store for milk again at some point during the week. And I'll have to go get the stuff for Kaelin's birthday party probably Friday night. We're planning on making her favorite dinner, spaghetti, for Saturday night. I'll probably run to Wal-Mart and get their industrial size spaghetti sauce, I don't think Kroger's has very big ones and I don't want to buy 5 little bottles. I guess I'll make a few pounds of meatballs also. Kaelin like it's better that way because then I can give her sauce without any meat in it, otherwise I have to try to pick out the ground beef. Friday I think I'll make some cupcakes so she can have a birthday cupcake with 2 candles in it on her birthday. And I still have to figure out what I'm going to do for her birthday cake. Krogers doesn't have an Abby Cadabby cake so I think I'll check Wal-Mart otherwise I guess I'll make the cake myself. Or I could just do a bunch of cupcakes in Abby Cadabby colors. Hmmmm, that sounds good. Then I'm not stuck with leftover cake, I'll just send cupcakes home with everyone.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
10 year reunion was last night
Last night was my 10 year high school reunion. I suppose I'm glad I went but it was not what I was expecting at all. Hardly anyone showed up and everyone just stood around all night. They served some food but it wasn't very good at all and the cash bar was outragousely expensive. I did get to see a few people I wanted to, but for the most part it was people I didn't know or really didn't care to see. We went outside so Crystina and Mary could smoke and some biker guys started talking to us. They got out a bottle of liquor and passed it around. Ahh, good times. We stayed long enough to take the class picture then left. We went over to Molly's Pub and had a drink there. We ran into a girl that was a few years younger then us and was a Cavalier with us. She went to the same college I did so we spent a while talking about when we were on the drill team there. I got home a little after 12 and Kaelin was ready for bed. Mike had managed to pacify her some but couldn't get her to sleep. I have a horrible headache this morning because I couldn't seem to get to sleep at all last night. We have a baby shower to go to this afternoon and I'm looking forward to eating, I'm starved for some good bbq!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Splashpark Fun!
My sister called me the other day to see if I wanted to take Kaelin to the splashpark in Pearland. Sounded like fun. So yesterday we took Kaelin and Carissa there. The first one we went to was crowded and didn't have alot of water stuff going on. The second one we went to was much better! I slathered the girls in sunscreen and let 'em go. They had a blast! Kaelin ran around non-stop in all the different sprinklers and puddles. Here's a few pics. We'll definately have to go back again!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
7 years ago today

Saturday, June 6, 2009
No dogs allowed
Some new pics
This week has gone by so fast! Kaelin has done really well with her stitches. The only time she fussed about them was when we would take the band-aid off each night to clean them. I took her in yesterday morning and had the sutures removed. It was not a pleasant experience at all! We had to hold her down again and she screamed the whole time. She kept yelling that she needed medicine or a new band-aid. Then she started yelling "Thank you" to the doctor. She's so polite, even when she's being held down. Here's a pic of her band-aid she's been wearing.

We have been having a hard time getting Kaelin to get into and stay in her high chair lately. So on Thursday I took her shopping and we found a new big girl booster seat! She loves it! It's pretty similar to her highchair since we had the space saver one, but it's new and she's happy with it. So far no problems getting her into it, just getting her out of it!
Kaelin and Daddy were playing "fort" in Kaelin's bed the other night. They were pretending to look at jungle animals with their binoculors. So Mike took her outside to use the real binoculors to look at stuff. It was so cute watching her look through them!

Last night was Mike's sister's graduation. It's so wierd to me because 10 years ago I was graduating. The reunion is next weekend already. Eek! Anyways, there were almost 1000 students graduating this year. They had it out on the football field and we were able to see Colleen as she walked by to go sit in her chair. It was so hot and the ceremony was so long that we didn't make it. It took an hour for them to even get to the part where they present the diplomas and then Colleen was about 500 names in. It didn't start until 7 so I'm sure theygot out of there really late. Kaelin stayed with my parents because I knew she would not have fun if she went with us. After we left we stopped at Chili's and had dinner. So yummy! Then we went and picked up Kaelin from Mom's. She had pizza for dinner and went swimming. She was ready for bed as soon as we got home, which was awesome. I was so tired that I went to bed shortly after I put her down. Here's a pic of our graduate!

I have to go to church tomorrow to run the sound system. My step-dad is preaching and the normal sound guy will be out of town. So I have to go up there today for a run through. Shouldn't be too hard but I don't really like going to church anymore.
We have been having a hard time getting Kaelin to get into and stay in her high chair lately. So on Thursday I took her shopping and we found a new big girl booster seat! She loves it! It's pretty similar to her highchair since we had the space saver one, but it's new and she's happy with it. So far no problems getting her into it, just getting her out of it!
Kaelin and Daddy were playing "fort" in Kaelin's bed the other night. They were pretending to look at jungle animals with their binoculors. So Mike took her outside to use the real binoculors to look at stuff. It was so cute watching her look through them!
And she's spent. :)
Last night was Mike's sister's graduation. It's so wierd to me because 10 years ago I was graduating. The reunion is next weekend already. Eek! Anyways, there were almost 1000 students graduating this year. They had it out on the football field and we were able to see Colleen as she walked by to go sit in her chair. It was so hot and the ceremony was so long that we didn't make it. It took an hour for them to even get to the part where they present the diplomas and then Colleen was about 500 names in. It didn't start until 7 so I'm sure theygot out of there really late. Kaelin stayed with my parents because I knew she would not have fun if she went with us. After we left we stopped at Chili's and had dinner. So yummy! Then we went and picked up Kaelin from Mom's. She had pizza for dinner and went swimming. She was ready for bed as soon as we got home, which was awesome. I was so tired that I went to bed shortly after I put her down. Here's a pic of our graduate!

I have to go to church tomorrow to run the sound system. My step-dad is preaching and the normal sound guy will be out of town. So I have to go up there today for a run through. Shouldn't be too hard but I don't really like going to church anymore.
Next week or so will be super busy! Tuesday is our 7th anniversary! Then Mike has a dentist appointment and our reunion is on Friday night. Then we have Kaelin's birthday pics and Geri's baby shower on Saturday. Then we're either going bowling or up to Humble Saturday night. Then it's Father's Day and Kaelin's birthday after that! I can't believe she's going to be 2 already!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Not winning any awards any time soon
We had to take Kaelin to the ER again tonight. She fell while running away from me in the living room and gashed her forehead open. I heard her hit and new it was a hard hit so I scooped her right up and hugged her tight. Mike came running in and when I pulled her back to show him I saw the gash. I knew immediately it needed stitches. Mike grabbed a wet rag and held it on right away so it didn't bleed very bad at all. She was screaming she needed a band-aid so Mike put a piece of gauze and some princess tape on it before we left the house. I showed it to her in the mirror and she settled down. The whole way to the hospital I was freaking out because she was so calm and quiet. She just held my hand and looked out the window. Once we got into a room the nurse came in and looked at it and said she'd definately need stitches and it would be awhile. Thankfully Mike's mom met us there so she helped us keep Kae entertained. She was running around and playing and trying to jump on the bed the whole time. The nurse practioner came in and told us he was going to numb the area and that we would have to wrap her up and hold her down so they could suture it. That was horrible, she was scraming the whole time. They covered her eyes so the light wasn't in her face and she was fraked out that she couldn't see any of us. Then she started saying "Thank you nurse Kevin" even while she was screaming. Broke my heart. I had to look away and try hard not to lose it so she wouldn't hear me cry. As soon as they were done I scooped her up and unwrapped her. She's happy with her princess tape and is excited about going to pick out new big band-aids tomorrow. I need to call Dr. McAtee and see when they want us to come in. The ER said 5 days to have sutures removed but I want to check with them just in case. Well. I'm exhausted and going to try to settle down before going in to bed.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Kaelin's new outfit
Friday, May 29, 2009
I feel alive again!
Thank goodness I woke up feeling much better today! Still a little bit of a lingering headache and some pain in my jaw but nothing too. bad. Kae and I just hung around the house today, I didn't want to push it and be out somewhere and unable to drive home. Not that anyone wants to know this, but I started my period again yesterday. Suprised me because it's only been 33 days so I wasn't expecting it for atleast 10 more days. It seems like my body is trying to get it's act together. Maybe in a few months I'll have a completely normal 28 day cycle. Wouldn't that be great if having Kaelin whipped my reproductive system into shape? Here's hoping!
I got the ribbon that I ordered for Kaelin's hot pink and zebra outfit! I'm so excited to start on her jeans, I really hope they come out cute. I'm going to use this tutorial for them. I really want to do some of her birthday pics in this outfit. I cut a bunch of pieces of ribbons and heat sealed them. So now I just have to cut the hem off a pair of jeans and start sewing! I would like to figure out a good way to trim the pockets and belt loops in ribbon also. I may have to hand sew those or just use on iron on adhesive. I also got the white and ballet slipper ribbon. I'm going to make a onesie and tutu set out of that for dance as well. I just need to get a good white onesie to use for that one. I think that's all I'm going to make for class this summer. I still have some other tutus I made that she can wear with a leotard.
I can tell when I'm typing while I'm over tired because I start to ramble. So I guess I'm gonna brush my teeth and head to bed.
I got the ribbon that I ordered for Kaelin's hot pink and zebra outfit! I'm so excited to start on her jeans, I really hope they come out cute. I'm going to use this tutorial for them. I really want to do some of her birthday pics in this outfit. I cut a bunch of pieces of ribbons and heat sealed them. So now I just have to cut the hem off a pair of jeans and start sewing! I would like to figure out a good way to trim the pockets and belt loops in ribbon also. I may have to hand sew those or just use on iron on adhesive. I also got the white and ballet slipper ribbon. I'm going to make a onesie and tutu set out of that for dance as well. I just need to get a good white onesie to use for that one. I think that's all I'm going to make for class this summer. I still have some other tutus I made that she can wear with a leotard.
I can tell when I'm typing while I'm over tired because I start to ramble. So I guess I'm gonna brush my teeth and head to bed.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Did anyone get the plate number of the truck that ran me over?
Today turned out much worse then I imagined. Kaelin woke up grumpy and clingy, not much of a big deal except my mom was coming to stay with her while I went and had a wisdom tooth pulled. Atleast I knew Mike would be here in case she absolutely threw a fit when I left. (Mike had car trouble this morning and so he worked from home.) I got to the dentist's and noticed the words didn't look right in the magazine I was reading. Crap, another migraine. I won't go into detail, but since getting pregnant with Kaelin my migraines have stepped up a level. I get nauseaus, visual disturbances, numbness and sometimes slurred speech. So I knew this had the potential to turn bad, quickly. They took me back and I got started watching a movie while they numbed me. Overall it wasn't too bad except the doctor had a hard time getting the tooth out. So I felt alot of pressure while she was digging at it. By the time I left I was feeling better but the headache part had kicked in full force. Plus my jaw was hurting from biting on the gauze so hard to help stop the bleeding. I got home and Kaelin was ready for her nap. So I changed out of my jeans and sat on the couch with her. Mom sat with us and rubbed my head while Kaelin fell asleep. I tried to nap with her but the novacaine was wearing off and it was starting to hurt. I asked Mike to call and ask if the doctor would call in some pain meds for me. Luckily, she did and he went and got it for me. Mom had brought over a frozen lasagna and garlic bread so I didn't have to cook so I stuck that in the oven. I ended up only eating a bit of it before switching to jello. So I've been taking it easy and letting Mike handle Kaelin. They just got from getting milk and icecream at the store. Tomorrow we're supposed to go to lunch with Mom and Margret. Mike is going to take my car so Margret is going to pick us up. Hopefully I'll feel up to it. Then she's going to take me to switch out our HD DVR box since it decided to crap out on us today. I can't handle anymore Little Mermaid, Jungle Book or Horton. Crap, I'm going to have to reprogram the new box with all our recorded shows.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Today was a pretty good day
Kaelin slept fairly well last night. Which doesn't suprise me since she played hard yesterday. We got up at 9 this morning and she was in a good mood. We ran to Wal-Mart to get some new mouthwash that stains her mouth blue in the hopes it'll help let us brush her teeth better. I also picked up some children's flossers since she'll let us floss her teeth. She did really good in the store and sat in the basket eating popcorn chicken the whole time we were there so I bought her a set of Tinkerbell keys as a treat. At 2 I told her it was time for her nap and we went to her room to sit in the rocking chair. She was out in a few minutes! It's been so nice having her go right to sleep instead of fighting me to stay awake. I'm trying really hard to stick to a schedule and be diligent about where I get her to sleep at. I think I was getting to lax with her routine and letting her sit in the living room with us until she fell asleep was just making it harder on me.
I got dinner started while she napped. I mashed the potatoes and started the chicken marinating. I heard a tiny peep out of Kaelin and she came walking out of her room. She asked to go back to sleep but didn't. I got her a bowl of strawberries and blueberries to snack on. That kid can eat some berries! Her little hands are stained blue! Oops! I took Megan to the high school for an audition and Mike stayed home with Kae. After dinner we went outside and found a frog in Kaelin's rain boot. So I got a little flower pot and buried it in the garden and transplanted the little guy into his new home. Kaelin was pretty excited about that so I had to take a picture of him for her. When we came inside she pranced around in a pair of my shoes. So cute!
Here's a few pics:

I got dinner started while she napped. I mashed the potatoes and started the chicken marinating. I heard a tiny peep out of Kaelin and she came walking out of her room. She asked to go back to sleep but didn't. I got her a bowl of strawberries and blueberries to snack on. That kid can eat some berries! Her little hands are stained blue! Oops! I took Megan to the high school for an audition and Mike stayed home with Kae. After dinner we went outside and found a frog in Kaelin's rain boot. So I got a little flower pot and buried it in the garden and transplanted the little guy into his new home. Kaelin was pretty excited about that so I had to take a picture of him for her. When we came inside she pranced around in a pair of my shoes. So cute!
Here's a few pics:
A face Kaelin drew the other day
Buddy the Frog in his new house
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
Today was a really nice day! Kaelin was up at 8:15 and in a good mood. I got some laundry done and fed Kaelin breakfast. After I showered we ran over to Mom's to get their highchair for Kenneth to use today. They got here around 1pm. The kids hung out and played for a bit then we got ready for the pool. While I was changing Kaelin came in and told me she peed in her suit. I checked and sure enough she did, then she showed me where on the floor she did it. All the rain we had yesterday made the water cold, but it wasn't too bad. The stupid flying ants are back and majorly infested the pool. We spent the whole time scooping them out and throwing them over the side of the pool. Both kiddos had fun and enjoyed their matching arm floaties. Neither Katy or I thought to take our cameras out so we didn't get any pool pics. Kaelin took a nap but Kenneth refused to nap. Can't blame the kid, new house, new toys, not his bed. Katy and I sat on the back deck for a bit and tried to get some sun. Lord knows I need all I can get. Kaelin showed Kenneth her sidewalk chalk while Mike cooked the burgers. Dinner was yummy! I love fresh corn on the cob and burgers! Kenneth was pretty much ready for bed so they didn't hang around too long after dinner. Just long enough for him to develop a shoe fetish! He kept getting Kaelin's dress shoes and trying to put them on. Of course I made it worse by trying to squeeze his feet into them! He settled on wearing Kaelin's princess slippers instead. I got a pic of that one for sure! I'm sure his Daddy was so proud. There's a new frozen yogurt place not too far away so we went and picked up Mike's sister and went and got some desert. It was really cool and they have a ton of flavors and toppings. You pay by the ounce and was pretty reasonable. I discovered Kaelin's little battery operated car in the driveway when we dropped Megan off. I asked why it was out and she said that their dad decided Kaelin didn't need it since she had one at home too. That pissed me off so I put it in our car and brought it home. Not that she needs it, but still he shouldn't just go throwing her stuff away. Just because Mike's mom is out of town, he's being a butt and doing stuff he wouldn't do if she were home. But that's another subject all together. So instead of getting upset about it, I'll post some pics from today.
Kaelin and Kenneth playing the drums together
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Day 3
We had a monster of a storm today! It hailed. HAILED! But luckily it only delayed our cookout plans at Mom's. They got a new pool so it was filling up when we got there. It was just the right hight for Kaelin to be able to reach in and play with the water. She wore her new Elmo skirt outfit and was so cute! I put her hair in piggies but realised I only had one Elmo clippie and no blue or red bows. So I got out the glue gun and made her another Elmo so she'd have 2. I have to say, it was pretty darn cute!
It is very stressful being with my family sometimes. Not that they stress me out, I get tired of being a buffer. My family thinks Mike over protects Kaelin and hovers. Mike thinks my parents don't watch her close enough. It freaks me out sometimes because I know they both want to say something to the other and I'm waiting for it to get uncomfortable.
Kaelin decided she only needed a 5 minute nap today so she was ready for bed when we got home. Hopefully she'll sleep good tonight and get up early tomorrow. Maybe then her and Kenneth will nap at the same time tomorrow. I'm going to catch up on some chat boards and blogs and head to bed early myself.
It is very stressful being with my family sometimes. Not that they stress me out, I get tired of being a buffer. My family thinks Mike over protects Kaelin and hovers. Mike thinks my parents don't watch her close enough. It freaks me out sometimes because I know they both want to say something to the other and I'm waiting for it to get uncomfortable.
Kaelin decided she only needed a 5 minute nap today so she was ready for bed when we got home. Hopefully she'll sleep good tonight and get up early tomorrow. Maybe then her and Kenneth will nap at the same time tomorrow. I'm going to catch up on some chat boards and blogs and head to bed early myself.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Long weekend, day 2
I love it when we get a long weekend! Mike was off yesterday for his flex Friday and Monday is Memorial day. After him and Kae went to the airport yesterday morning and brought home breakfast, Margret and I did some shopping. Margret got a bunch of stuff and I got Kaelin a new Elmo outfit and a Dora nightgown. She is in desperate need of new pjs that are summer appropriate. We went and got the rest of the things we need for the gardens. So today we'll finish spreading mulch in the front garden then Mike is going to build a garden box in the backyard for our vegetable garden. Kaelin loves digging in the dirt so gardening is perfect for her! Then I need to clean the fridge and hopefully my sewing room. Tonight we've been invited to go see Horton Hears A Who in the park with some friends. That's Kaelin's favorite movie so it should be fun! Tomorrow I intend to clean the house and do some reorganizing. Then we're going to a cookout at Mom's house. Monday Katy and David are coming down for the day, We intend to hang out in the pool and grill some burgers. Which reminds me, I need to go to the store today.
Mike and I watched The Fog after Kaelin went to bed last night. It was pretty good with just the right amount of gore. I'm ashamed to admit my level of tolerance for scarey movies has gone down, gives me nightmares. Anyways, when she woke up she would not go back to sleep. She screamed for about twenty minutes not knowing what she wanted. We finally got her settled down and gave her some tylenol. She came to bed with us and fell asleep watching a baby Einstein video. So today Mike wants to hang her TV in her room so she can watch it in bed. Hopefully that'll help her want to stay in her bed. I really want to discuss her sleeping habits and how to wean her with her pediatrician next month. The kid is sucking the life out of me! Just kidding, but really, I'm done nursing her. She's getting too old and I just don't enjoy it anymore. I don't regret going as long as we have, I'm just ready to have my body back to myself for a bit.
Mike and I watched The Fog after Kaelin went to bed last night. It was pretty good with just the right amount of gore. I'm ashamed to admit my level of tolerance for scarey movies has gone down, gives me nightmares. Anyways, when she woke up she would not go back to sleep. She screamed for about twenty minutes not knowing what she wanted. We finally got her settled down and gave her some tylenol. She came to bed with us and fell asleep watching a baby Einstein video. So today Mike wants to hang her TV in her room so she can watch it in bed. Hopefully that'll help her want to stay in her bed. I really want to discuss her sleeping habits and how to wean her with her pediatrician next month. The kid is sucking the life out of me! Just kidding, but really, I'm done nursing her. She's getting too old and I just don't enjoy it anymore. I don't regret going as long as we have, I'm just ready to have my body back to myself for a bit.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Took a sick day today
Ha! If only it was that easy! Kaelin woke up during the night running a fever. I didn't get up to check it, I figured she needed to sleep more then be poked at anyways. I try to let fevers run their course anyways since they're doing a job. Unless it's high of course. She only ran a small temp today, unfortunately so did I. I was supposed to go to lunch with my mom but I had to cancel. So Kae and I hung around the house in our jammies all day. I did get the laundry done, the kitchen cleaned, the floor vacuumed and the new switch plate for the triple switch in the living room stained and installed (I'm trying to install all new switch plates and outlet plates in the house to match each room). Then we both crashed and took a long nap. We got up when Mike got home and I showered while she took a vapor bath. I like having the shower and the garden seperate in the bathroom! I steamed up the bathroom with my shower and Mike sat and bathed Kae. We both put on clean jammies and all of us have just been hanging out tonight. We ate pizza in the living room while we watched The Jungle Book (again!). Now we're just waiting to see if Grandma Marger is coming over to see us before she leaves town tomorrow.
Mike's off tomorrow and has to drive his mom to the airport at 7:30 in the morning. Hopefully he'll get my shelves hung up in my sewing room at some point. Although I just saw a really cool storage shelf desk thing at Ikea for $50 that looks really cool. I don't know though, the table on it is smaller then the one I have now so I wouldn't be able to have my sewing machine and cutting mat out at the same time. But it sure would make the room look nicer. Ahhh, decisions, desicions! :)
Mike's off tomorrow and has to drive his mom to the airport at 7:30 in the morning. Hopefully he'll get my shelves hung up in my sewing room at some point. Although I just saw a really cool storage shelf desk thing at Ikea for $50 that looks really cool. I don't know though, the table on it is smaller then the one I have now so I wouldn't be able to have my sewing machine and cutting mat out at the same time. But it sure would make the room look nicer. Ahhh, decisions, desicions! :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I'm exhausted
We had a bad night last night. A bad one. Kaelin went to bed at a decent time and was easy t put back to bed. Then I brought her int bed with us when we were going to bed. She would not g back to sleep! Every time she'd start to drift off, she'd wake up screaming to nurse again. I was set on making her go as long as possible without it since I'm trying to wean her. After about an hur of her waking up every 5 minutes screaming, and then Daddy having to go sleep n the couch, I gave in and we both finally got a little bit of sleep. She was up before 9 this morning, which is early for her. She ended up taking her nap at 12:45 and slept for about an hour. Nrmally she fights naps as lng as possible and finally crashes at 4 or 5.
Mike had to work really late today so went to my Mom's and stayed for dinner. Kaelin played in the sprinkler for a hour or two before dinner. She's really into water activities these days. But then she doesn't want to take a bath, wierd. Anyways, dinner was great and Kaelin ate a ton of chicken and then a pear. Since she was up early and napped early I had to keep her awake when we got home. That is a pain in the butt, let me tell ya. If I let her go to bed before 9 she would treat it like a nap and be back up in a few hours. She's had a runny nose all day today also. I think it's from teething, that would explain her crabby mood lately too. I'm very excited this will be her last 4 teeth, but at the same time I'm not looking forward to her cutting 4 more molars. The first set were hell. I gave her some cold medicine with tylenol before bed so hopefully I'm covered either way and she'll have a good night tonight.
While I was waiting for Mike to get home I finished up Kaelin's hot pink and zebra ribbon onesie! I just need to make the bow to pin on it. I'm going to make her a matching tutu to wear to dance class and a pair of matching ribbon jeans for her birthday pictures next month. She's going to look so cute in her zebra hair bows, ribbon onesie, ribbon jeans and matching tennis shoes I found for her! I can't wait! Hopefully I don't screw the jeans up. I think I'll do pictures in that outfit and the dress and brown bows she wore for Mother's Day because that was just precious!
Well, we are going to finish the season finale of Desperate Housewives before bed.
Mike had to work really late today so went to my Mom's and stayed for dinner. Kaelin played in the sprinkler for a hour or two before dinner. She's really into water activities these days. But then she doesn't want to take a bath, wierd. Anyways, dinner was great and Kaelin ate a ton of chicken and then a pear. Since she was up early and napped early I had to keep her awake when we got home. That is a pain in the butt, let me tell ya. If I let her go to bed before 9 she would treat it like a nap and be back up in a few hours. She's had a runny nose all day today also. I think it's from teething, that would explain her crabby mood lately too. I'm very excited this will be her last 4 teeth, but at the same time I'm not looking forward to her cutting 4 more molars. The first set were hell. I gave her some cold medicine with tylenol before bed so hopefully I'm covered either way and she'll have a good night tonight.
While I was waiting for Mike to get home I finished up Kaelin's hot pink and zebra ribbon onesie! I just need to make the bow to pin on it. I'm going to make her a matching tutu to wear to dance class and a pair of matching ribbon jeans for her birthday pictures next month. She's going to look so cute in her zebra hair bows, ribbon onesie, ribbon jeans and matching tennis shoes I found for her! I can't wait! Hopefully I don't screw the jeans up. I think I'll do pictures in that outfit and the dress and brown bows she wore for Mother's Day because that was just precious!
Well, we are going to finish the season finale of Desperate Housewives before bed.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Got her dancing shoes!
Kaelin and I are going to take a Mommy and Me dance class next month and again in the fall. I'm so excited! She's gonna be so cute in her little tutus, made by Mommy, of course. This morning I had to run Grammy to the doctor to get the bandage off from her carpal tunnel surgery. While we were out we stopped at a few resale shops and I found some ballet shoes in each one. I bought one that's a 6 1/2 for the summer and a 7 1/2 for fall. Here's pic I took on my cell phone. She's running around in them already!

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